Speech Pathology in Schools (SPinS) Program


The Speech Pathology in Schools (SPinS) model of service delivery was developed in response to the dual needs of (1) provision of relevant clinical education placements for speech pathology students and; (2) appropriate service provision for school-aged children with communication difficulties.

The program works on a collaboration basis between the class teachers and the speech pathology students and their clinical educator. The students and their supervisor attend the school one day per week. Assessment and intervention takes place via individual and group sessions and/or within the classroom as well as through providing teachers with classroom strategies. The students also have opportunities to in-service the teachers.

Many of the children seen through the SPinS program have moderate to severe language delays, and struggle to keep pace with literacy instruction. They are at risk of becoming disengaged with learning. Research tells us that young children’s’ attitudes to school and how they see themselves as learners, are formed within the first few months of school. We also know that changing negative attitudes is not easy. Nor is it easy for young learners who fall behind their peers, to ‘catch up’ in their academic achievements.

A speech pathologist is trained to identify, assess and treat children with a speech and/or language delay/disorder. The SPinS model of service delivery is especially valuable because the program provides:

  • invaluable experience for speech pathology students, not only in conducting assessments and therapy, but also in working with teachers and other support staff.
  • assessment and management of school aged children with speech, language and literacy difficulties


If you are interested in applying to have the SPinS program in your school, or would like more information, please contact the Manager of SPinS Annemarie Laurence - Annemarie.Laurence@newcastle.edu.au.