
News • 6 Mar 2024

Inaugural Showcase debuts cutting-edge solar and hydrogen technologies

More than 200 industry, government officials, researchers, start-ups and university staff came together yesterday to celebrate the achievements of the Trailblazer for Recycling and Clean Energy (TRaCE) program.

News • 28 Feb 2024

Pain-free diabetes test wins Shaping Australia Award

A revolutionary biosensor poised to change the treatment of diabetes forever, has been crowned winner of the prestigious Shaping Australia ‘Problem Solver’ Award.

News • 13 Jul 2021

World-first needle-free diabetes test

A world-first, pain-free diabetes test developed at the University of Newcastle could be in the hands of consumers following $6.3 million in funding to establish the first manufacturing facility for the device.

Featured story • 11 Jul 2020

Public Debut for Printed Solar

A futuristic demonstration of emerging renewable energy material – printed solar cells, is being trialled in a public setting for the first time as it nears commercial readiness.

Featured story • 9 Apr 2020

University minds meld to address COVID-19 equipment shortages

At a time when social distancing and isolation are keeping people apart, innovative teams at the University of Newcastle have come together to address a key health concern amidst the COVID-19 outbreak – the rapid production of desperately needed medical equipment.

News • 2 Oct 2019

Leading the charge in Functional Printing

Functional printing is an exciting new field that combines conventional printers and futuristic electronic inks to create the devices of the future. Functional printing offers the tantalising prospect of low cost solar energy generation materials and biosensors capable of replacing painful fingerprick testing for diabetes. It's also a potential lucrative lifeline for the struggling print industry.

News • 1 Oct 2019

Can you damage something just by looking at it?

All of science depends as a first step, on observation. But what happens if, just by looking at something, you’ve actually changed what it is?

News • 2 May 2019

Swapping notes at the crucible of modern science

Embarking on a six month Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship, Professor Paul Dastoor will reside at Cambridge’s legendary Cavendish Laboratory, where J.J Thompson discovered the electron, Chadwick discovered the neutron and Watson the structure of DNA.

News • 29 Aug 2018

Electric partnership powers energy innovation

With Australia’s energy crisis dominating news headlines, a powerful new industry-research collaboration is signaling the emergence of a new renewable energy market – organic printed solar.

News • 10 Jul 2018

Expert Speaker Talks: COE Winter School | 25 - 27 July

The 9th annual Centre for Organic Electronics (COE) Winter School will take place between 25 and 27 July. As part of this outreach effort we bring in academics, CSIRO, IP lawyers, industry experts, and communications and media experts to deliver addresses. The mornings of Wednesday 25 July, Thursday 26 July and Friday 27 July are open to all staff.

News • 23 Mar 2018

University of Newcastle welcomes its first American Fulbright Scholars

In an historic first, under a partnership agreement with Australian-American Fulbright Commission, the University of Newcastle will officially welcome three American Fulbright Scholars this week, demonstrating the University’s commitment to enhancing international collaboration and fostering global impact.

News • 28 Aug 2017

Research fuelling development in the energy sector

Researchers at the University of Newcastle (UON) have attracted $1.6 million to develop an alternate method of generating electrical energy that is more than twice as efficient as coal-fired power stations.
