Get interview-ready

The fact that you have been called for an interview means you have convinced the selection panel that you can meet their requirements for the job, which is a big plus. Making sure you are prepared when you meet an employer face-to-face at an interview, or networking opportunity, can help you persuade them that you have the right skills for their organisation and role.

Preparing for your interview

To give yourself the best chance to perform well at interview, this is how we suggest you prepare:

  • Research the organisation and develop a full understanding of the role
  • Check out our interview resources in CareerHub for hints on how to prepare
  • Make sure you have confirmed the interview format, who you will be interviewed by and, most importantly, where you will be interviewed
  • You should also prepare answers to possible questions. The job advertisement and selection criteria can provide strong clues to this
  • Book a one-on-one interview preparation appointment and mock interview with the Careers Service
  • Use the online tool Interview360 to help you practice and prepare.

In some industries, employers may require candidates to complete assessment centres or aptitude tests. Practice Aptitude Tests can prepare you for common tasks employers may provide during the hiring process.