Dr Penta Pristijono

Dr Penta Pristijono

Senior Lecturer

School of Environmental and Life Sciences

Reducing harvested food waste

Currently working at the University of Newcastle as a lecturer and researcher, Dr Penta Pristijono chose to work in food science because of its universal relevance.

“Food is essential for the human body, regardless of demographic, age, gender or health status,” he said.

Penta began his own study journey with a Bachelor in Fisheries Science in Indonesia.

“My passion has always been food, especially food science.

“I enjoy good quality food, but some of my favourite foods, like seafood, are perishable.

“So, I decided to take on a bachelor’s degree in fisheries science to explore more about factors affecting food spoilage,” he said.

Penta then went on to undertake postgraduate studies in Australia, completing a Master of Food Technology and PhD in Food Science at the University of Newcastle. This is where he developed his interest in horticulture postharvest research.

Penta’s then completed post-doctoral research in horticulture postharvest at the University of Newcastle, which was funded by the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Food and Beverage Supply Chain Optimisation.

As a current lecturer in Food Science and Human Nutrition, at the Central Coast campus, Penta teaches students about food science and food quality management and is very proud of the program.

"There are a large number of food companies in the region, so our students will have opportunities to gain experience from local industries.

“Our program covers laboratory practical experiences on wide range of different topics which prepare graduates to enter the workplace in varied food industries.

“Our program also covers human nutrition topics, which prepares graduates to also enter nutrition professions,” Penta said.

Apart from lecturing, Penta continues to research in the area of horticulture postharvest.

“Initially, my horticulture postharvest research involved preventing the browning process of fresh-cut surface of apples and lettuces using nitric oxide gas and its donors’ compounds.

“I am now working on developing innovative postharvest technologies to extend the storage life of fruits and vegetables.

“This involves delaying the ripening and senescence process, as well as controlling postharvest pathogens,” he said.

Penta has now extended his research interest to developing alternative combinations of treatments with different packaging materials to prolong horticulture postharvest lifespans of stored fruits and vegetables further.

Penta’s passion came from his awareness of the levels of food waste, especially in the horticulture sector after harvest includes during transportation, processing, and storage.

“Fresh fruits and vegetables are living tissues which have a short shelf-life after harvest, and improper preservation results in an even shorter shelf-life.

“This directly affects farmers and consumers and is a new challenge to discover how we can produce more innovative ways to reduce waste,” Penta said.

Penta believes Food Science is an extremely important industry.

“As food scientists, we will always be facing new challenges of providing high quality food that meets consumer demands.

“I believe the food sector has huge opportunities for future careers as we attempt to solve these challenges.

“We are a highly dynamic sector and are constantly developing,” he said.

To future students considering studying a Bachelor of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Penta says to follow your passion.

“If you have passion about food, our Food Science and Human Nutrition programs provides practical training in a wide range of food topics with a very current and innovative approach.

“We also combine the nutrition aspects into the program which provide stronger impact on graduates’ readiness to enter the job market,” Penta said.

Study Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Newcastle

Penta Pristijono

Reducing harvested food waste

Currently working at the University of Newcastle as a lecturer and researcher, Dr Penta Pristijono chose to work in food science because of its universal relevance.

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Career Summary



Dr Penta Pristijono awarded a Masters of Food technology and a PhD in food science from the University of Newcastle Australia, under supervision of Prof Ron Wills. This was followed by an ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre for Food and Beverage Supply Chain Optimisation funded Post-Doctoral researcher at The University of Newcastle, investigating innovative non-chemical horticultural postharvest treatments to extend fruits and vegetables postharvest life. He is currently a Lecturer in Food Science.


Research expertise is focused on Horticultural postharvest technology.  His PhD research investigated the effect of Nitric Oxide (NO) to extend the postharvest life of fresh-cut and intact fruits and vegetables. During this research, he was the first to measure effectiveness of NO to prevent enzymatic browning in sliced Granny Smith apples and Iceberg lettuces. Key findings include consistent action of NO to delay the browning of fresh cut apple and lettuce, and NO inhibited mould growth on number of produce, and there was no consistent effect of NO to prevent ripening of climacteric produce. During his Post-doc, Dr Penta Pristijono investigated the effect of physical, gas and heat treatments for extending horticulture postharvest life. The innovative treatments include UV-C irradiation, ethylene (C2H4) gas, low pressure storage, hot water shower, 1- Methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) and edible coating, to delay senescence without refrigeration. Majors’ effects found includes significant degreening prevention of fresh produce by UV-C irradiation and mold reduction due to low pressure storage, leading to delaying fruit ripening and preventing fruits senescence during storage. Effects were especially apparent in tomatoes and limes treated with UV-C irradiation, and zucchinis and tomatoes stored at low pressure atmosphere.

Recent research has been extended to  the use of other current innovative postharvest treatments include essential oils, amino acids, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) gas and auxins to extent postharvest life of green vegetables and citrus fruit. His research interest also to develop alternative combination treatments of current postharvest technologies with different packaging materials to further prolong postharvest life of fruits and vegetables. He has established successful collaborative research with Dr John Golding (NSW DPI) to extend the postharvest life of horticultural produces using current innovative postharvest technology that delay ripening, senescence process and control postharvest pathogens.


  • PhD (Food Science), University of Newcastle
  • Master of Food Technology, University of Newcastle


  • Edible coating
  • Food processing
  • Food safety
  • Plant food products
  • Postharvest

Fields of Research

Code Description Percentage
300806 Post harvest horticultural technologies (incl. transportation and storage) 100

Professional Experience

UON Appointment

Title Organisation / Department
Senior Lecturer University of Newcastle
School of Environmental and Life Sciences

Academic appointment

Dates Title Organisation / Department
23/2/2015 - 23/2/2018 Postdoctoral Research Fellow

This three years research project investigated mainly horticulture postharvest of wide range of fruits and vegetables to extend its shelf-life by application of most current innovative postharvest technologies. The project focussed on environmentally friendly treatments and combination of current postharvest technologies.

The University of Newcastle
School of Environmetal and Life Sciences



Year Award
2023 Safety Leader March 2023 Award
College of Engineering, Science and Environment, University of Newcastle
2023 Outstanding Contribution To Teaching Award 2022
College of Engineering, Science and Environment- The University of Newcastle (Australia)
2021 Research Supervision Excellence Award
College of Engineering, Science and Environment, University of Newcastle
2019 Australia China Young Scientist Exchange Award
ATSE (Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering)



Year Title / Rationale
2024 5th International Seminar on Fundamental and Application of Chemical Engineering (ISFAChE) 2024


Code Course Role Duration
FSHN2050 Plant Food Products
School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle
Course Coordinator, Lecturer, Demonstrator 26/2/2018 - 31/12/2025
FSHN3010 Food Processing and Quality Management
School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle
Course Coordinator, Lecturer, Demonstrator 26/2/2018 - 31/12/2025
FSHN2040 Animal Food Products
School of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Newcastle
Course Coordinator, Lecturer, Demonstrator 26/2/2018 - 31/12/2025


For publications that are currently unpublished or in-press, details are shown in italics.

Chapter (1 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2015 Wills RBH, Pristijono P, Golding JB, 'Nitric oxide and postharvest stress of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals', Nitric Oxide Action in Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 221-238 (2015) [B1]
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-17804-2_14
Citations Scopus - 12
Co-authors Ron Wills

Journal article (59 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2024 Chen C, Xue Z, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Chen G, Li Y, Yang H, 'Effect of cinnamaldehyde on Rhizopus stolonifer and on the conservation of sweet potato', FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY, 8 (2024) [C1]
DOI 10.1093/fqsafe/fyad072
Citations Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1
2024 Zhang M, Golding JB, Pristijono P, Yu Y, Wang P, Chen G, et al., 'Effects of Huangjing polysaccharides on the properties of sweet potato starch', LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 204 (2024) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.lwt.2024.116474
Citations Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2
2024 Archer J, Pristijono P, Vuong QV, Palou L, Golding JB, 'Utilising Response Surface Methodology to Optimise Food Additives and Treatments Reduces Disease Caused by
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae10050453
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong
2023 Hong K, Yao Q, Golding JB, Pristijono P, Zhang X, Hou X, et al., 'Low temperature storage alleviates internal browning of 'Comte de Paris' winter pineapple fruit by reducing phospholipid degradation, phosphatidic acid accumulation and membrane lipid peroxidation processes', Food Chemistry, 134656-134656 (2023) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.134656
Citations Scopus - 17Web of Science - 14
2023 Rahman M, Wills R, Bowyer M, Golding JB, Kirkman T, Pristijono P, 'Potential Control of Postharvest Fungal Decay of Citrus Fruits by Crude or Photochemically Changed Essential Oils a Review', Food Reviews International, 1-18 (2023) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/87559129.2023.2204157
Citations Scopus - 5Web of Science - 5
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Timothy Kirkman, Ron Wills
2023 Geng S, Liu Z, Golding J, Pristijono P, Lv Z, Lu G, et al., 'Transcriptomic analyses of carvone inhibited sprouting in sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam cv 'Yan 25') storage roots', Postharvest Biology and Technology, 195 112142-112142 (2023) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2022.112142
Citations Scopus - 7Web of Science - 7
2023 Rahman MM, Wills RBH, Bowyer MC, Vuong VQ, Golding JB, Kirkman T, Pristijono P, 'Efficacy of Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil as a Bio-Fungicide in Inhibiting Citrus Green Mould', Plants, 12 3742-3742 [C1]
DOI 10.3390/plants12213742
Citations Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills, Vanquan Vuong
2023 Shi Y, Liu J, Si D, Golding JB, Pristijono P, Li Y, et al., 'Huangjing-From medicine to healthy food and diet', FOOD FRONTIERS, 4 1068-1090 (2023) [C1]
DOI 10.1002/fft2.231
Citations Scopus - 8Web of Science - 8
2022 Song K, Gu H, Golding JB, Pristijono P, Hou X, Zhang L, et al., 'Insight into the physiological and molecular mechanisms of hot air treatment which reduce internal browning in winter-harvested pineapples', POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, 194 (2022) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2022.112066
Citations Scopus - 15Web of Science - 14
2022 Chen J, Zhang D, Mi H, Pristijono P, Ge Y, Lv J, et al., 'Tissue-Specific Recovery Capability of Aroma Biosynthesis in 'Golden Delicious' Apple Fruit after Low Oxygen Storage', AGRONOMY-BASEL, 12 (2022) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/agronomy12112794
Citations Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1
2022 Alhassan N, Wills RBH, Bowyer M, Pristijono P, Golding J, 'Comparative study of the auxins 2,4-D, fluroxypyr, dicamba, MCPA and hydrogen sulphide to inhibit postharvest calyx senescence and maintain internal quality of Valencia oranges', New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 50 131-142 (2022) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/01140671.2021.2017984
Citations Scopus - 7Web of Science - 4
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills
2022 Rahman M, Wills RBH, Bowyer M, Golding J, Kirkman T, Pristijono P, 'Lemon myrtle and lemon scented tea tree essential oils as potential inhibitors of green mould on citrus fruits', The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 97 524-533 (2022) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/14620316.2021.2011433
Citations Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills, Timothy Kirkman
2021 Sohail M, Wills R, Bowyer M, Pristijono P, 'Multiple Amino Acids Inhibit Postharvest Senescence of Broccoli', Horticulturae, 7 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae7040071
Citations Scopus - 14Web of Science - 13
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills
2021 Sohail M, Wills RBH, Bowyer MC, Pristijono P, 'Beneficial impact of exogenous arginine, cysteine and methionine on postharvest senescence of broccoli', Food Chemistry, 338 (2021) [C1]

This study examined the ability of L-arginine, L-cysteine and L-methionine, to inhibit postharvest senescence of broccoli. Florets were dipped in aqueous solutions of the amino ac... [more]

This study examined the ability of L-arginine, L-cysteine and L-methionine, to inhibit postharvest senescence of broccoli. Florets were dipped in aqueous solutions of the amino acids at concentrations from 1.0 to 100 mM and stored at 10 °C. A 5 mM dip was found to be optimal in delaying senescence as measured by retention of green colour, vitamin C and antioxidant activity, and a lower level of ethylene production, respiration, weight loss, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) activity and ion leakage with the benefits being similar for all three amino acids. Arginine, cysteine and methionine have Generally Recognised As Safe (GRAS) status and should have few impediments in obtaining regulatory approval for commercial use if similar effects were found for other leafy vegetables.

DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128055
Citations Scopus - 53Web of Science - 46
Co-authors Ron Wills, Michael Bowyer
2021 Archer J, Pristijono P, Vuong QV, Palou L, Golding J, 'Effect of Low Pressure and Low Oxygen Treatments on Fruit Quality and the In Vivo Growth of Penicillium digitatum and Penicillium italicum in Oranges', Horticulturae, 7 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae7120582
Citations Scopus - 8Web of Science - 7
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong
2021 Sohail M, Wills RBH, Bowyer M, Pristijono P, 'Impact of exogenous arginine, cysteine and methionine on the postharvest senescence of six green leafy vegetables', Jounal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, 4 253-262 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.22077/jhpr.2020.3844.1180
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills
2021 Chen J, Wu A, Yang M, Ge Y, Pristijono P, Li J, et al., 'Characterization of sodium alginate-based films incorporated with thymol for fresh-cut apple packaging', Food Control, 126 108063-108063 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.108063
Citations Scopus - 185Web of Science - 156
2021 Tran TTB, Vu BN, Saifullah M, Nguyen MH, Pristijono P, Kirkman T, Vuong QV, 'Impact of Various Essential Oils and Plant Extracts on the Characterization of the Composite Seaweed Hydrocolloid and Gac Pulp (Momordica cochinchinensis) Edible Film', Processes, 9 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/pr9112038
Citations Scopus - 2Web of Science - 2
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Minh Nguyen
2021 Tran TTB, Vu QL, Pristijono P, Kirkman T, Nguyen MH, Vuong QV, 'Optimizing conditions for the development of a composite film from seaweed hydrocolloids and pectin derived from a fruit waste, gac pulp', Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 45 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.1111/jfpp.15905
Citations Scopus - 3Web of Science - 1
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Minh Nguyen
2021 Zhang H, Zhou S, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Yang H, Chen G, Li Y, 'Role of AOX in low-temperature conditioning induced chilling tolerance in sweetpotato roots', SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE, 288 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110365
Citations Scopus - 9Web of Science - 6
2020 Tran TTB, Roach P, Nguyen MH, Pristijono P, Vuong QV, 'Development of biodegradable films based on seaweed polysaccharides and Gac pulp (Momordica cochinchinensis), the waste generated from Gac oil production', Food Hydrocolloids, 99 (2020) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2019.105322
Citations Scopus - 30Web of Science - 25
Co-authors Minh Nguyen, Vanquan Vuong
2020 Alhassan N, Wills RBH, Bowyer MC, Golding JB, Pristijono P, 'Pre-storage fumigation with hydrogen sulphide inhibits postharvest senescence of Valencia and Navel oranges and 'Afourer' mandarins', The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 95 757-762 (2020) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/14620316.2020.1749138
Citations Scopus - 12Web of Science - 10
Co-authors Ron Wills, Michael Bowyer
2020 Golding J, Pristijono P, Wang B, 'Effect of Phytosanitary Irradiation Treatment on the Storage Life of 'Jiro' Persimmons at 15 °C', Horticulturae, 6 (2020) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae6040092
Citations Scopus - 3Web of Science - 3
2020 Rahman MM, Wills RBH, Bowyer MC, Golding JB, Kirkman T, Pristijono P, 'Efficacy of Orange Essential Oil and Citral after Exposure to UV-C Irradiation to Inhibit Penicillium digitatum in Navel Oranges', Horticulturae, 6 (2020) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae6040102
Citations Scopus - 6Web of Science - 6
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills
2020 Alhassan N, Bowyer MC, Wills RBH, Golding JB, Pristijono P, 'Postharvest dipping with 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridiloxyacetic acid solutions delays calyx senescence and loss of other postharvest quality factors of 'Afourer' mandarins, Navel and Valencia oranges', Scientia Horticulturae, 272 (2020) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.scienta.2020.109572
Citations Scopus - 12Web of Science - 10
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills
2019 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Bowyer M, Pal Singh S, Scarlett CJ, Stathopoulos CE, Vuong QV, 'A starch edible surface coating delays banana fruit ripening', LWT - Food Science and Technology, 100 341-347 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.lwt.2018.10.055
Citations Scopus - 149Web of Science - 117
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong
2019 Alhassan N, Golding JB, Wills RBH, Bowyer MC, Pristijono P, 'Long Term Exposure to Low Ethylene and Storage Temperatures Delays Calyx Senescence and Maintains 'Afourer' Mandarins and Navel Oranges Quality', Foods, 8 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/foods8010019
Citations Scopus - 12Web of Science - 12
Co-authors Ron Wills, Michael Bowyer
2019 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer M, Singh SP, Vuong QV, 'Starch-based films: Major factors affecting their properties', International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 132 1079-1089 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.03.190
Citations Scopus - 385Web of Science - 324
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2019 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Papoutsis K, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Improving the storage quality of Tahitian limes (Citrus latifolia) by pre-storage UV-C irradiation', Journal of Food Science and Technology, 56 1438-1444 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.1007/s13197-019-03623-x
Citations Scopus - 13Web of Science - 13
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2019 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer M, Singh SP, Vuong QV, 'Starch-based edible coating formulation: Optimization and its application to improve the postharvest quality of "Cripps pink" apple under different temperature regimes', Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 22 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.fpsl.2019.100409
Citations Scopus - 35Web of Science - 30
Co-authors C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong
2019 Pristijono P, Golding JB, Bowyer MC, 'Postharvest UV-C Treatment, Followed by Storage in a Continuous Low-Level Ethylene Atmosphere, Maintains the Quality of 'Kensington Pride' Mango Fruit Stored at 20 °C', Horticulturae, 5 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae5010001
Citations Scopus - 32Web of Science - 27
Co-authors Michael Bowyer
2018 Papoutsis K, Vuong QV, Tesoriero L, Pristijono P, Stathopoulos CE, Gkountina S, et al., 'Microwave irradiation enhances the in vitro antifungal activity of citrus by-product aqueous extracts against Alternaria alternata', International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53 1510-1517 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1111/ijfs.13732
Citations Scopus - 14Web of Science - 12
Co-authors C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong
2018 Pristijono P, Wills RBH, Tesoriero L, Golding JB, 'Effect of Continuous Exposure to Low Levels of Ethylene on Mycelial Growth of Postharvest Fruit Fungal Pathogens', Horticulturae, 4 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/horticulturae4030020
Citations Scopus - 5Web of Science - 4
Co-authors Ron Wills
2018 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'The application of low pressure storage to maintain the quality of zucchinis', New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 46 254-263 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/01140671.2017.1383277
Citations Scopus - 8Web of Science - 5
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong
2018 Saberi B, Golding JB, Maques JR, Pristijono P, Chockchaisawasdee S, Scarlett CJ, Stathopoulos CE, 'Application of biocomposite edible coatings based on pea starch and guar gum on quality, storability and shelf life of 'Valencia' oranges', Postharvest Biology and Technology, 137 9-20 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2017.11.003
Citations Scopus - 141Web of Science - 116
Co-authors C Scarlett
2018 Papoutsis K, Vuong QV, Golding JB, Hasperué JH, Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, et al., 'Pretreatment of citrus by-products affects polyphenol recovery: a review', Food Reviews International, 34 770-795 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/87559129.2018.1438471
Citations Scopus - 28Web of Science - 24
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2018 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Effect of low-pressure storage on the quality of green capsicums (Capsicum annum L.)', The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 93 529-536 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/14620316.2017.1411768
Citations Scopus - 5Web of Science - 4
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer
2018 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Scarlett C, Bowyer M, et al., 'Effect of Starch Physiology, Gelatinization and Retrogradation on the Attributes of Rice Starch- -Carrageenan Film', Starch - Stärke, 70 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1002/star.201700099
Citations Scopus - 42Web of Science - 32
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong
2018 Papoutsis K, Golding JB, Vuong QV, Pristijono P, Stathopoulos CE, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, 'Encapsulation of Citrus By-Product Extracts by Spray-Drying and Freeze-Drying Using Combinations of Maltodextrin with Soybean Protein and -Carrageenan', Foods, 7 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/foods7070115
Citations Scopus - 116Web of Science - 97
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett
2018 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CE, Vuong QV, 'Optimizing a sustainable ultrasound-assisted extraction method for the recovery of polyphenols from lemon by-products: comparison with hot water and organic solvent extractions', European Food Research and Technology, 244 1353-1365 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1007/s00217-018-3049-9
Citations Scopus - 59Web of Science - 48
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett
2018 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, et al., 'Development and application of rice starch based edible coating to improve the postharvest storage potential and quality of plum fruit (Prunus salicina)', Scientia Horticulturae, 237 59-66 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.scienta.2018.04.005
Citations Scopus - 113Web of Science - 90
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer
2018 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Combined postharvest UV-C and 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) treatment, followed by storage continuously in low level of ethylene atmosphere improves the quality of Tahitian limes', Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55 2467-2475 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1007/s13197-018-3164-4
Citations Scopus - 14Web of Science - 11
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer
2018 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, 'Screening the effect of four ultrasound-assisted extraction parameters on hesperidin and phenolic acid content of aqueous citrus pomace extracts', Food Bioscience, 21 20-26 (2018) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.fbio.2017.11.001
Citations Scopus - 64Web of Science - 54
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2017 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, et al., 'Amylose-lipid complex as a measure of variations in physical, mechanical and barrier attributes of rice starch- -carrageenan biodegradable edible film', Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 14 108-115 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.fpsl.2017.10.002
Citations Scopus - 63Web of Science - 57
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2017 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, 'Enhancement of the total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of aqueous Citrus limon L. pomace extract using microwave pretreatment on the dry powder', JOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION, 41 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.1111/jfpp.13152
Citations Scopus - 36Web of Science - 30
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong
2017 Pristijono P, Papoutsis K, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Postharvest UV-C treatment combined with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), followed by storage in continuous low-level ethylene atmosphere, improves the quality of tomatoes', The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 92 521-529 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/14620316.2017.1300512
Citations Scopus - 16Web of Science - 13
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett
2017 Thakur R, Saberi B, Pristijono P, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, Scarlett CJ, et al., 'Use of response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize pea starch-chitosan novel edible film formulation', JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE, 54 2270-2278 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.1007/s13197-017-2664-y
Citations Scopus - 66Web of Science - 60
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2017 Pristijono P, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Jessup AJ, Golding JB, 'Use of low-pressure storage to improve the quality of tomatoes', The journal of horticultural science & biotechnology, 92 583-590 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.1080/14620316.2017.1301222
Citations Scopus - 13Web of Science - 12
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer
2017 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'The Effect of Postharvest UV-C Treatment and Associated with Different Storage Conditions on the Quality of Tahitian Limes (Citrus latifolia)', Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders, 6 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.4172/2324-9323.1000230
Co-authors C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong
2017 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, 'Effect of vacuum-drying, hot air-drying and freeze-drying on polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of lemon (Citrus limon) pomace aqueous extracts', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 52 880-887 (2017) [C1]
DOI 10.1111/ijfs.13351
Citations Scopus - 125Web of Science - 106
Co-authors C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong
2016 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding J, Stathopoulos C, Bowyer M, Scarlett C, Vuong QV, 'Optimisation of aqueous extraction conditions for the recovery of phenolic compounds and antioxidants from lemon pomace', International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 51 2009-2018 (2016) [C1]
DOI 10.1111/ijfs.13168
Citations Scopus - 27Web of Science - 25
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2016 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, Vuong QV, 'Impact of different solvents on the recovery of bioactive compounds and antioxidant properties from lemon (Citrus limon L.) pomace waste', Food Science and Biotechnology, 25 971-977 (2016) [C1]

The effects of different solvents on the recovery of (i) extractable solids (ES), (ii) total phenolic compounds (TPC), (iii) total flavonoid content (TFC), (iv) vitamin C, and (v)... [more]

The effects of different solvents on the recovery of (i) extractable solids (ES), (ii) total phenolic compounds (TPC), (iii) total flavonoid content (TFC), (iv) vitamin C, and (v) antioxidant activity from lemon pomace waste were investigated. The results revealed that solvents significantly affected the recovery of ES, TPC, TFC, and antioxidant properties. Absolute methanol and 50% acetone resulted in the highest extraction yields of TPC, whereas absolute methanol resulted in the highest extraction of TFC, and water had the highest recovery of vitamin C. 50% ethanol, and 50% acetone had higher extraction yields for TPC, and TFC, as well as higher antioxidant activity compared with their absolute solvents and water. TPC and TFC were shown to be the major components contributing to the antioxidant activity of lemon pomace.

DOI 10.1007/s10068-016-0158-8
Citations Scopus - 53Web of Science - 42
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2016 Papoutsis K, Vuong QV, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Stathopoulos CE, 'Enhancing the Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidants of Lemon Pomace Aqueous Extracts by Applying UV-C Irradiation to the Dried Powder', FOODS, 5 (2016) [C1]
DOI 10.3390/foods5030055
Citations Scopus - 36Web of Science - 30
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2016 Thakur R, Saberi B, Pristijono P, Golding J, Stathopoulos C, Scarlett C, et al., 'Characterization of rice starch-L-carrageenan biodegradable edible film. Effect of stearic acid on the film properties', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, 93 952-960 (2016) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2016.09.053
Citations Scopus - 130Web of Science - 109
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2013 Ekman JH, Pristijono P, Sphor L L, 'Effect of a short hot water treatment on thermal tolerance of Queensland fruit fly, 'Bactrocera tryoni' (Froggatt) infesting 'Capsicum annuum' cultivars', General and Applied Entomology, 41 39-47 (2013)
2013 Huque R, Wills RBH, Pristijono P, Golding JB, 'Effect of nitric oxide (NO) and associated control treatments on the metabolism of fresh-cut apple slices in relation to development of surface browning', POSTHARVEST BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY, 78 16-23 (2013) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2012.12.006
Citations Scopus - 68Web of Science - 47
Co-authors Ron Wills
2008 Pristijono P, Wills RB, Golding JB, 'Use of the nitric oxide-donor compound, diethylenetriamine-nitric oxide (DETANO), as an inhibitor of browning in apple slices', Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 83 555-558 (2008) [C1]
Citations Scopus - 29Web of Science - 22
Co-authors Ron Wills
2008 Wills RB, Pristijono P, Golding JB, 'Browning on the surface of cut lettuce slices inhibited by short term exposure to nitric oxide (NO)', Food Chemistry, 107 1387-1392 (2008) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.09.066
Citations Scopus - 41Web of Science - 39
Co-authors Ron Wills
2006 Pristijono P, Wills RB, Golding JB, 'Inhibition of browning on the surface of apple slices by short term exposure to nitric oxide (NO) gas', Postharvest Biology and Technology, 42 256-259 (2006) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2006.07.006
Citations Scopus - 84Web of Science - 69
Co-authors Ron Wills
Show 56 more journal articles

Conference (31 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2024 Pristijono P, Bowyer M, Golding J, 'Postharvest UV-C lights treatment to delay senescence of green leafy vegetable, gai lan', Seoul, Republic of Korea (2024)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer
2024 Pristijono P, 'Innovative Postharvest Technologies to Maintain the Quality of Horticultural Produce Collaboration Opportunities for Chemical Engineering ?', Surabaya, Indonesia (2024)
2024 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Golding JB, 'Pre-storage UV-C treatment as an alternative method to maintain the quality of Brussels sprouts', Rotorua, New Zealand (2024)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer
2024 Golding JB, Kavanagh MK, Freriechs J, Pham HNT, Bulllot M, Wang B, Pristijono P, 'Comparison of postharvest quarantine treatments on fresh fruit quality', Rotorua - New Zealand (2024)
2024 Pristijono P, Vuillemenot L, Pham HNT, Golding JB, 'Effect of ethyl formate and low pressure storage on the quality of green capsicums', Rotorua - New Zealand (2024)
2024 Bowyer MC, Wills RBH, Sohail M, Pristijono P, 'Fortification with amino acids: a method to capture the benefits of nitric oxide and hydrogen sulphide in extending fresh produce's postharvest life', Rotorua - New Zealand (2024)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer
2022 Rahman M, Wills R, Bowyer M, Golding J, Kirkman T, Pristijono P, 'Efficacy of citral vapour in controlling citrus green mould', V Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems, Bangkok, Thailand (2022) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1336.31
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Ron Wills, Timothy Kirkman
2021 Archer J, Pristijono P, Gallien Q, Houizot L, Bulllot M, Palou L, Golding J, 'Preliminary investigations on the effect of low-pressure treatment on in vitro and in vivo growth of Penicillium sp. in oranges', ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1325: V International Symposium on Postharvest Pathology: From Consumer to Laboratory-Sustainable Approaches to Managing Postharvest Pathogens, Liège, Belgium (2021) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1325.9
Citations Scopus - 2Web of Science - 1
2020 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Effect of low pressure storage on the quality of greenhouse cucumbers', SHS Acta Horticulturae 1275: XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: International Symposium on Strategies and Technologies to Maintain Quality and Reduce Postharvest Losses, Istanbul, Turkey (2020) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1275.24
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2020 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Postharvest UV-C treatment affects peel degreening 'Kensington Pride' mango fruit stored at 20°C', ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1275: XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: International Symposium on Strategies and Technologies to Maintain Quality and Reduce Postharvest Losses, Istanbul, Turkey (2020) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1275.30
Citations Scopus - 1
Co-authors C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong
2020 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Golding JB, 'An alternative method to maintain the quality of cucumbers with pre-storage UV-C treatment', ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1294: VI International Symposium on Cucurbits, Ghent, Belgium (2020) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1294.16
Co-authors Michael Bowyer
2019 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'The application of UV-C irradiation followed by storage in continuous low level ethylene atmosphere to delay the ripening of mature green tomatoes.', VI International Conference Postharvest Unlimited, Madrid, Spain (2019) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1256.47
Citations Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2019 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Vuillemenot L, Golding JB, 'Postharvest UV-C treatment reduces postharvest decay in sweet cherries stored at ambient temperature (20°C)', VI International Conference Postharvest Unlimited, Madrid, Spain (2019) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1256.63
Citations Scopus - 2
Co-authors C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong
2019 Pristijono P, Bowyer M, Golding J, 'Preliminary investigations on the effect of postharvest UV-C treatments on the quality of zucchinis in storage', Bali - Indonesia (2019)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer
2018 Pristijono P, Bowyer MC, Scarlett C, Vuong QV, Stathopoulos CE, Golding JB, 'Effect of UV-C irradiation on sprouting of potatoes in storage', ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1194, Cartagena, Murcia (2018) [E1]
DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1194.69
Citations Scopus - 8
Co-authors C Scarlett, Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer
2017 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, Singh SP, Vuong QV, 'Rice starch composite coating - a potential substitute for improving banana shelf-life', Munich, Germany (2017)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett
2017 Papoutsis K, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Stathopoulos CE, Bowyer MC, Scarlett CJ, Vuong QV, 'Optimizing a green ultrasound-assisted extraction method for the recovery of hesperidin from Citrus limon waste.', Miyasaki, Japan (2017)
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2016 Papoutsis K, Vuong QV, Pristijono P, Golding JB, Scarlett CJ, Bowyer MC, Stathopoulos CE, 'Enhancement of the antioxidant activity of aqueous lemon pomace extracts by applying microwave irradiation', Kalamata, Greece (2016)
Co-authors Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett, Michael Bowyer
2016 Thakur R, Pristijono P, Golding J, Stathopoulos C, Scarlett C, Bowyer M, Vuong Q, 'Evaluation of Rice starch- -carrageenan Film Properties in the Presence of Different Hydrophobic Plasticizers', Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2016)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, Vanquan Vuong, C Scarlett
2015 Pristijono P, Golding J, Bowyer M, Scarlett C, Stathopoulos, 'Postharvest UV-C irradiation improves the quality of tomatoes and limes', Cambodia (2015)
Co-authors Michael Bowyer, C Scarlett
2013 Golding JB, Huque R, Pristijono P, Wills RBH, 'Efficacy of NO Treatment to Inhibit Browning on Fresh Cut Lettuce Types', VII INTERNATIONAL POSTHARVEST SYMPOSIUM, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA (2013) [E1]
Citations Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1
Co-authors Ron Wills
2012 Golding JB, Pristijono P, Pearse M, Spohr L, McGlasson B, 'Variability in Peach and Nectarine Eating Quality', VII INTERNATIONAL PEACH SYMPOSIUM (2012)
Citations Scopus - 3Web of Science - 2
2012 Golding JB, Jessup A, Spohr L, Daniels D, Satyan S, Pristijono P, et al., 'Efficacy of a Combination Quarantine Treatment at 3 degrees C as a Potential Disinfestation Treatment for Queensland Fruit Fly (Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt)) in Cherry Fruit', XXVIII INTERNATIONAL HORTICULTURAL CONGRESS ON SCIENCE AND HORTICULTURE FOR PEOPLE (IHC2010): INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON POSTHARVEST TECHNOLOGY IN THE GLOBAL MARKET (2012)
Citations Scopus - 7Web of Science - 6
2011 Pristijono P, Ekman JH, 'Cool as a Cucumber? Reducing Chilling Sensitivity of Greenhouse Cucumbers with Light, Heat and Packaging', Lorne, Victoria - Australia (2011)
2011 Pristijono P, Ekman JH, 'Sulphur dioxide fumigation of Cherries the Good, the Bad and the Ugly', Lorne, Victoria - Australia (2011)
2010 Ekman JH, Pristijono P, Parks S, Jarvis J, 'Growing Conditions Affect Postharvest Quality of Greenhouse Cucumbers', VI INTERNATIONAL POSTHARVEST SYMPOSIUM (2010)
Citations Scopus - 1Web of Science - 1
2010 Ekman JH, Pristijono P, 'Combining Radio Frequency Heating and Cool Storage to Disinfest Cherries against Queensland Fruit Fly', VI INTERNATIONAL POSTHARVEST SYMPOSIUM (2010)
Citations Scopus - 5Web of Science - 4
2009 Pristijono P, Wills RBH, Golding JB, 'Effect of Nitric Oxide on the Physiology of Fresh-cut Lettuces and Apples', Antalya, turkey (2009)
Co-authors Ron Wills
2007 Pristijono P, Wills RB, Golding JB, 'Use of nitric oxide to inhibit browning in fresh cut lettuce', 2007 Australasian Postharvest Conference. Program and Abstracts, Terrigal, NSW (2007) [E3]
Co-authors Ron Wills
2007 Wills RB, Pristijono P, Golding JB, 'Use of nitric oxide to reduce surface browning of fresh cut lettuce and apple slices', Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Management of Fresh Cut Produce QMFCP2007, Bangkok (2007) [E1]
Citations Scopus - 5Web of Science - 3
Co-authors Ron Wills
2006 Wills RBH, Pristijono P, Golding JB, 'Use of Nitric Oxide to Inhibit Browning in cut apple slices', Adelaide, Australia (2006)
Co-authors Ron Wills
Show 28 more conferences

Creative Work (1 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2021 Bucher T, Beckett E, Taiwo A, Vuong Q, Soumi Paul M, Kirkman T, et al., Sustainable Food Future Conference 2021, The University of Newcastle, Ourimbah Campus, Online (2021)
Co-authors Nienke Devlieger, Timothy Kirkman, C Scarlett, Tamara Bucher

Other (3 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2022 Golding J, Kavanagh M, Freriechs J, Wang B, Pristijono P, 'Effects of treatments on export lemon quality', : Australian Tree Crop (2022)
2022 Golding J, Freriechs J, Kavanagh M, Pristijono P, Wang B, 'Effects of market access treatments on export blueberry quality during storage', ( pp.51-54): The Australian Berry Journal (2022)
2018 Golding JB, Pristijono P, 'Postharvest research update : Maintaining lime fruit quality during storage', ( pp.26-27): Citrus Australia Ltd. (2018)

Preprint (1 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2023 Rahman MM, Wills RBH, Bowyer MC, Vuong VQ, Golding JB, Kirkman T, Pristijono P, 'Efficacy of Lemon Myrtle Essential Oil as a Bio-fungicide in Inhibiting Citrus Green Mould (2023)
DOI 10.20944/preprints202309.1837.v1
Co-authors Ron Wills

Grants and Funding


Number of grants 5
Total funding $72,915

Click on a grant title below to expand the full details for that specific grant.

20242 grants / $8,000

Investigating methods for tomatoes preservation to secure food supply$5,000

Funding body: Global Strategic Partnership , University of Newcastle

Funding body Global Strategic Partnership , University of Newcastle
Project Team

Dr Penta Pristijono

Scheme Global Strategic Partnership Travel Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2024
Funding Finish 2024
Type Of Funding Internal
Category INTE

Postharvest UV-C lights treatment to delay senescence of green leafy vegetable, gai lan$3,000

Funding body: College of Engineering, Science and Environment, University of Newcastle

Funding body College of Engineering, Science and Environment, University of Newcastle
Project Team

Dr Penta Pristijono

Scheme CESE Conference Scheme
Role Lead
Funding Start 2024
Funding Finish 2024
Type Of Funding Internal
Category INTE

20201 grants / $7,915

UV-C irradiation: A Consumer-acceptable Technology to Improve Postharvest Quality of Green Vegetables ?$7,915

Funding body: Faculty of Science | University of Newcastle

Funding body Faculty of Science | University of Newcastle
Scheme Faculty Strategic Investment Funding
Role Lead
Funding Start 2020
Funding Finish 2020
Type Of Funding Internal
Category INTE

20192 grants / $57,000

Phase 1. Investigating innovative methods for maintaining citrus fruit postharvest quality during storage$55,000

Funding body: NSW Department of Industry

Funding body NSW Department of Industry
Project Team Doctor Penta Pristijono, Dr John Golding
Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2019
Funding Finish 2022
GNo G1900944
Type Of Funding C2300 – Aust StateTerritoryLocal – Own Purpose
Category 2300

Preliminary investigations on the effect of postharvest UV-C treatments on the quality of zucchinis in storage.$2,000

Funding body: Faculty of Science | University of Newcastle

Funding body Faculty of Science | University of Newcastle
Scheme Faculty PVC Conference Assistance
Role Lead
Funding Start 2019
Funding Finish 2019
Type Of Funding Internal
Category INTE

Research Supervision

Number of supervisions


Current Supervision

Commenced Level of Study Research Title Program Supervisor Type
2025 PhD Investigating Treatment Methods for Maintaining Citrus Quality After Harvest PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2022 PhD Convenience Cooking Products and Vegetable Consumption: A Novel Potential Solution to Improve Vegetable Intakes in Australia PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2020 PhD Australian Consumer Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviour Towards Reduced and Alcohol Free Wine PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor

Past Supervision

Year Level of Study Research Title Program Supervisor Type
2025 PhD Investigating New Methods for the Control of Citrus Postharvest Pathogens PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2024 Honours The Relationship Between Diet Quality, Sources of Nutrition Information and Nutrition Self Efficacy in Australian Pregnant Women Food Science & Biotechnology, College of Engineering, Science and Environment- The University of Newcastle (Australia) Principal Supervisor
2022 PhD Development of Composite Films from Seaweed Hydrocolloids, Gac By-Product, Essential Oils and Plant Extracts for Preservation of Fresh Prawn PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2022 PhD Maintaining the Quality of Citrus Fruits for Long Term Storage PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2022 PhD Impact of Amino Acids on Postharvest Senescence of Leafy Green Vegetables PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2022 PhD Assessment of Essential Oil Efficacy in Controlling Fungal Infection in Citrus Fruits PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2021 Honours Determining the different effects of Irradiation, Methyl Bromide and Cold Treatment on Sweet Sapphire Grapes Food Science & Biotechnology, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2021 Honours Comparing Market Access Treatments on Cherry Quality for Export Food Science & Biotechnology, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2019 PhD Edible Films and Coatings for Improving Postharvest Quality of Fresh Horticulture Produce PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2018 PhD Optimized Conditions for the Preparation of Citrus By-Product Aqueous Extracts Enriched in Polyphenols and Antioxidants PhD (Food Science), College of Engineering, Science and Environment, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor

Research Collaborations

The map is a representation of a researchers co-authorship with collaborators across the globe. The map displays the number of publications against a country, where there is at least one co-author based in that country. Data is sourced from the University of Newcastle research publication management system (NURO) and may not fully represent the authors complete body of work.

Country Count of Publications
Australia 79
United Kingdom 27
China 11
Spain 4
Viet Nam 3

Dr Penta Pristijono


Senior Lecturer
School of Environmental and Life Sciences
College of Engineering, Science and Environment

Contact Details

Email penta.pristijono@newcastle.edu.au
Phone (02) 43494783


Room SO 103
Building Science Offices.
Location Ourimbah
10 Chittaway Road
Ourimbah, NSW 2258