Professor  Tania Sourdin

Professor Tania Sourdin

President of Academic Senate

President Academic Senate's Office

Transparency, technology and teaching: an eye for justice

Professor Tania Sourdin’s career has spanned the globe as a consultant and specialist expert in a range of complex programs across the justice sector.

With an extensive career focusing on justice, litigation, conflict avoidance and dispute resolution, Tania has influenced legislative reform initiatives, standards and cultural change for dispute resolution. She has also taught judges in a range of programs that include court craft, civil procedure, decision making, complex behaviour and in judicial orientation programs.

Having written extensively about justice issues, Tania’s work on boards, committees and working groups continues to expand across the country and internationally.

As Dean and Head of School at the University of Newcastle Law School this work has continued and having the opportunity to lead a number of justice innovation project teams has resulted in research outcomes that have had significant impacts. “It’s been a very broad and interesting part of my life” Tania says.

From empiricism to innovation

“I started off as a lawyer before becoming more of an empirical researcher looking at what happens in the justice system. I’d describe the justice system quite broadly in that it includes complaints through to formal court adjudication,” Tania explains.

“A lot of the work I’ve done in the past has been around looking at how people experience court and justice processes: how long they take, how much they cost and how those processes can be improved.”

The University of Newcastle Law School is unique in its size and scope, because it’s such a practical law school with a unique hands-on clinical program. This hands-on approach allows students at UON have the opportunity to work with clients under the supervision of legal practitioners at the University of Newcastle Legal Centre and provide a range of outreach clinics such as the highly successful Law On The Beach program. In addition, the innovative program and curriculum mean that project based work with students can build upon academic work so that research work can be applied to real world problems.

Technology and the practice of law

Tania’s research focus is intense, with a current slant on exploring innovations within the judicial system. “I’m exploring how well they work, whether they can be replicated what prevents them being replicated and how they can be extended in certain circumstances?” Tania explains.

The range of technologies that are currently being utilised in the judicial system posit some novel questions that Tania’s keen to explore. “These technologies raise an interesting point about how much humans actually need to be involved in the delivery of justice in the longer term. The question around how humans remain involved, and how much humans add in the justice sector is intriguing,” Tania says.

There are three levels of broad levels of change: supportive technology, replacement technology and disruptive technology, and each offers differing levels of support and change.

Tania suggests that it’s inevitable that smaller cases will progress through more technologically-aided processes into the future, which is a good thing. “It can be easier for people to access information and to access systems without having to actually arrive at the court or to be doing things between the hours of 9 to 5 which is often expected in the justice sector,” Tania says.

In the criminal sphere Tania explains that there could be some cost savings through technology, particularly in preparation for a trial. “There are many areas of innovations that can lead to cost-savings. It’s been used a great deal in the US although there are ongoing issues with algorithmic injustice. However many technological tools can enable people to work more cost-effectively. Doing this online is much easier than having people sitting in a room sorting through materials.”

Social media, transparency and the law

Legal and court-reporting has taken on a new slant with the uptake of social media sites by news organisations. Rather than having to wait until the following day to read a court report in the paper, the commentary is immediate, is reported from the court and is online in seconds. This uptake of social media and the immediacy of reportage online is something that raises conflicting views in Tania. “It often takes a long time for a complex matter to be sorted out and sometimes the commentary that arises is not very sophisticated or informed, and can sometimes be misleading as it’s only based on a short interaction.”

“However, I do think that it’s good that there is transparency around the justice system. It is intended to be open and accessible, but most people don’t want to go and sit in a courtroom when a case that they’re interested in is being dealt with. So having faster online, on-time reporting makes it easier for people to understand what’s going on in the justice system – which I think is a very good thing. There are however some significant questions about how open video conferencing processes are and this has been very relevant in the COVID-19 era”

Tania utilises social media in a professional capacity to expand her contacts and share new developments in the judicial scene. “For me, it’s a good learning experience and a way to better understand what’s going on in the justice sector more broadly. Otherwise I think there’s mainly a temptation to talk to other academics and senior professionals. With LinkedIn you talk with people in all parts of the justice system, so I think that’s very useful,” Tania adds.

“With Twitter it’s a different interaction: it’s so fast I can do it very quickly. I like the immediacy of Twitter too. I was recently writing an article on ‘priming’ in justice and as I was writing it there was an article that led me to another that helped me extend my thinking in a way that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been accessing Twitter,” Tania says.

Although Tania is now based in Newcastle, her research continues to spread its wings across the country and continents. “I’ve got projects happening in other States of Australia as well as overseas, along with judicial education work. I have a really interesting international project that is focussed on judges views of technology. There’s also an interesting project that I’ve collaborated on with the Business areas on complaints and the return on investment on good complaints management and which involves looking at the complaints processes in big organisations and government and thinking about how complaints data can improve products and services as well as the customer experience.”

“I’m also writing about the ‘Judge vs Robot’ which is fascinating and I am pleased to have written a book in this area. I also run an international collaborative network under the Law and Society Association which has around 80 lawyers and judges in it, and we look at judging – and that’s a particular area I’m fascinated in. In particular, I’m intrigued by the moral and ethical dilemmas – what happens when people start to consider artificial intelligence in different ways as well?”

Could robots replacing judges remove subjectivity?

“When you have more sophisticated algorithms that consider the legislation you may remove some of the subjectivity. However, that does come at a cost as judges also have a role as commentators and also test a lot of realities within our society. The interesting thing about artificial intelligence is that it’s often seen as apart from humans as you have a computer doing it whereas what we know is that, increasingly into the future, humans will be enhanced with artificial intelligence. I think this is really interesting piece as well and one that’s worthy of exploring.”

With a keen focus on the University of Newcastle Law School and a continued dedication to research Tania continues to explore the way that justice shapes public policy and its impact on society. It’s an exciting area in the field of justice, and one that Tania is keen to pursue.

Tania Sourdin

Transparency, technology and teaching: an eye for justice

Professor Sourdin has published and presented widely on a range of topics including justice issues, mediation, conflict resolution, collaborative law, artificial intelligence, technology and organisational change.

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Career Summary


Professor Tania Sourdin is the Dean of the University of Newcastle Law School. She was previously the Foundation Chair and Director of the Australian Centre for Justice Innovation (ACJI) at Monash University in Australia.  Professor Sourdin has led national research projects and produced important recommendations for justice reform.  In the past two decades, she has conducted qualitative and quantitative research projects into aspects of the justice system systems in 11 Courts and Tribunals and five external dispute resolution schemes. Other research has focussed on justice innovation, technology, delay and systemic reforms.

Professor Sourdin is the author of books, articles and papers, and has published and presented widely on a range of topics including justice issues, mediation, conflict resolution, collaborative law, artificial intelligence, technology and organisational change. She is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Sydney and has worked as a senior Tribunal member in respect of appellate matters and as a mediator for more than 25 years. She has worked extensively overseas as an expert consultant in relation to disputes and dispute system design.  In 2014 she was appointed as the National Broadband Network (NBN) Industry Dispute Adviser in Australia and also co chaired the 2014 National Mediation Conference. In 2015 she won the Deans award for Research Impact in relation to her work on behavioural change in the justice sector.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Technology Sydney
  • Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws, University of New South Wales
  • Master of Laws, University of Technology Sydney


  • Complaints Handling
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Judges
  • Justice
  • Justice Innovation
  • Mediation
  • Technology

Fields of Research

Code Description Percentage
480408 Law, science and technology 40
480506 Litigation, adjudication and dispute resolution 40
480501 Access to justice 20

Professional Experience

UON Appointment

Title Organisation / Department
Professor University of Newcastle
Newcastle Law School


For publications that are currently unpublished or in-press, details are shown in italics.

Book (16 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2024 Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems, Springer International Publishing (2024)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-47946-5
2023 Rogers N, Maloney M, The Anthropocene Judgments Project, Routledge
DOI 10.4324/9781003389569
2021 Sourdin T, Judges, Technology and Artificial Intelligence The Artificial Judge, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 320 (2021) [A1]
Citations Scopus - 12
2020 Sourdin T, Meredith J, Li B, Digital Technology and Justice Justice Apps, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, 110 (2020) [A1]
DOI 10.4324/9781003127031
Co-authors Bin Li
2020 Sourdin T, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Thomson Reuters Australia, Pyrmont, 935 (2020) [A1]
2018 The Responsive Judge International Perspectives, Springer, Singapore, 339 (2018)
2018 The Responsive Judge International Perspectives, Springer, Singapore, 339 (2018)
2016 Sourdin T, Alternative Dispute Resolution (2016)
2013 Sourdin T, Zariski A, The Multi-tasking Judge Comparative Judicial Dispute Resolution, 270 (2013)
2012 Sourdin TM, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Law Book Co, Australia (2012)
2012 Sourdin TM, Exploring Civil Pre Action Requirements: Resolving Disputes Outside Courts, Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne, 241 (2012) [A1]
2012 Sourdin T, Australasian Dispute Resolution Service, Thomson Reuters, Australia (2012)
2008 Sourdin T, Alternative Dispute Resolution, 490 (2008)
2007 Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Springer Netherlands (2007)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-6264-3
2005 Sourdin T, Alternative Dispute Resolution, 363 (2005)
2002 Sourdin T, Alternative Dispute Resolution, 295 (2002)
Show 13 more books

Chapter (32 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2024 Sourdin T, 'Regulating Judge Artificial Intelligence', Legal Aspects of Autonomous Systems: A Comparative Approach, Springer, UK 243-264 (2024) [B1]
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-47946-5
2024 Sourdin T, ChatGPT, 'How will 2050 forms of artificial intelligence (AI) judge the anthropocene?', The Anthropocene Judgments Project: Futureproofing the Common Law, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon 243-258 (2024) [B1]
DOI 10.4324/9781003389569-20
2024 Sourdin T, ChatGPT, 'How will 2050 forms of artificial intelligence (AI) judge the anthropocene?', The Anthropocene Judgments Project: Futureproofing the Common Law, Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon 243-258 (2024) [B1]
DOI 10.4324/9781003389569-20
2020 Sourdin T, Meredith J, Li B, 'Introduction', Digital Technology and Justice, Routledge 1-9 (2020)
DOI 10.4324/9781003127031-1
2020 Sourdin T, Meredith J, Li B, 'Digital technology use in the justice sector', Digital Technology and Justice, Routledge 10-20 (2020)
DOI 10.4324/9781003127031-2
2020 Sourdin T, Meredith J, Li B, 'Justice apps objectives and opportunities', Digital Technology and Justice, Routledge 21-36 (2020)
DOI 10.4324/9781003127031-3
2020 Sourdin T, Meredith J, Li B, 'Justice apps in context', Digital Technology and Justice, Routledge 37-64 (2020)
DOI 10.4324/9781003127031-4
2020 Sourdin T, Meredith J, Li B, 'Future options', Digital Technology and Justice, Routledge 88-103 (2020)
DOI 10.4324/9781003127031-6
2020 Armstrong C, Carlson J, Sourdin T, Watts M, 'Return on Investment of Effective Complaint Management: Synthesis and Research Directions: An Abstract', Developments in Marketing Science: Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science 109-110 (2020)

Customer complaints are inevitable given the complexity of products (service) and the inherent need for human involvement in aspects of service delivery. In today¿s competitive, s... [more]

Customer complaints are inevitable given the complexity of products (service) and the inherent need for human involvement in aspects of service delivery. In today¿s competitive, socially networked environment, customers are empowered by technology, their expectations increasing, with the magnitude of complaint effects having increased with the digital age. Complainants now regularly take to social media, review sites, blogs and YouTube to vent their frustration, spreading negative word of mouth (Tronvoll 2007, 2012) which can have damaging effects for an organisation¿s brand equity and profitability. Managers know that customer complaints are important. For instance, effective complaint management has confirmed positive links between increased satisfaction, increased loyalty, repurchase intention and subsequent higher company returns in the literature (Casado-Díaz et al. 2009; Fornell 1992; Homburg and Furst 2005) and positive consumer experiences shown to be related to increased loyalty (Moliner et al. 2010; Johnston 2001). However, the return on investment (ROI) or complaint management profitability (CMP) of increasing satisfaction through ¿good¿ complaints handling has only received scant research attention. A critical reason for the lack of literature on ROI and CMP is difficulty attaining data relating to the complaint management function. Organisations do not measure all costs and benefits of complaint handling (Stauss and Schoeler 2004; Stone 2011). Nor can organisations or researchers agree on what constitutes the costs and benefits of complaints and their handling. Unfortunately, given the difficulty attributing a financial value to the benefits, costs are more usually measured, leading to complaints handling departments often being regarded as ¿cost centres¿ rather than providing opportunities for increased benefits to the firm (Sandelands 1994). The purpose of this paper is to explore the literature relating to ROI of customer complaints management to the organisation, identify the potential development on the subject in academia and direct future research with the goal of enhance complaint handling management practices for organisations. This paper reviews the literature on defining ¿good¿ complaints handling before reviewing the literature on ROI and profitability of complaints handling. Second, the drivers of ROI and profitability of complaints handling from the literature are highlighted. Finally, the paper concludes by synthesising the findings of the literature and proposes specific research questions to guide future research.

DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-39165-2_45
Co-authors Christine Armstrong, Martin Watts, Jamie Carlson
2019 Baca M, Miller M, Ryan J, Semanicová-Fenovcíková A, 'Introduction', Magic and Antimagic Graphs, Springer International Publishing 1-3 (2019)
DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-24582-5_1
2018 Sourdin T, Zariski A, 'Preface', ix-xi (2018)
2018 Sourdin TM, Cornes R, 'Do Judges Need to be human? The implications of Technology for Responsive Judging', The Responsive Judge, Springer, Singapore 87-119 (2018) [B1]
Citations Scopus - 14
2018 Sourdin TM, Zariski A, 'What is Responsive Judging?', The Responsive Judge, Springer, Singapore 1-38 (2018) [B1]
2018 Sourdin TM, Cornes R, 'Do Judges Need to be human? The implications of Technology for Responsive Judging', The Responsive Judge, Springer, Singapore 87-119 (2018) [B1]
Citations Scopus - 14
2016 Sourdin T, 'A Broader View of Justice?', Resolving Civil Disputes, LexisNexis Australia, Chatswood, NSW 19-36 (2016) [B1]
2015 Sourdin TM, 'When to step away and when to step up', So You Want to Be a Leader, Hybrid Publishers, Melbourne 131-145 (2015) [B1]
2015 Sourdin TM, 'Reforming civil procedure and alternative dispute resolution', Ten Years of the Civil Procedure Act 2005 (NSW): A Decade of Insights and Guide to Future Litigation, Lawbook Co, Pyrmont, N.S.W. 191-208 (2015) [B1]
2013 Sourdin TM, 'A broader view of justice?', The Future of Dispute Resolution, LexisNexis/Butterworths, Australia 155-166 (2013)
2013 Sourdin TM, 'Introduction', The multi-tasking judge: Comparative judicial dispute resolution, Thomson Reuters, Australia 1-20 (2013) [B1]
Co-authors Joe Ryan
2013 Sourdin TM, 'Facilitative judging: Science sense and sensibility', The multi-tasking judge: Comparative judicial dispute resolution, Thomson Reuters, Pyrmont, N.S.W. 231-247 (2013) [B1]
2013 Sourdin TM, Alexander N, 'Developments in ADR', Australian Courts: Serving democracy and its publics, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne 119-147 (2013) [B1]
2013 Sourdin TM, Burstyner N, 'Australia's civil justice system: developing a multi-option response', Trends in State Courts 2013: 25th Anniversary Edition, National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, VA 78-84 (2013) [B1]
2013 Sourdin TM, Zariski A, 'Judicial dispute resolution - A global approach', Global Legal issues 2012, Korea Legislation Research Institute, Seoul, Korea 191-206 (2013)
2011 Sourdin TM, Liyange C, 'The Promise and reality of online dispute resolution in Australia', Online dispute resolution: Theory and practice: a treatise on technology and dispute resolution, Eleven Publishing, Egypt (2011) [B1]
2008 Sourdin TM, 'Sustainable outcomes through effective conflict management', Seeking environmental justice: probing the boundaries, Rodopi Publishing, New York (2008)
2007 Sourdin T, Zeleznikow J, Vincent A, 'Criminal sentencing, intuition and decision support', Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Springer, Netherlands 41-46 (2007)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-6264-3
2007 Sourdin TM, 'Using facilitative processes to achieve sustainable environmental outcomes', Probing the boundaries of environmental justice and global citizenship, Interdisciplinary Press, Online (2007)
2006 Sourdin TM, 'Mediation in Australia: Impacts on litigation', Global Trends in Mediation, Kluwer Law International, UK (2006)
2005 Sourdin TM, 'Matching disputes to dispute resolution processes: The Australian context', Alternative dispute resolution: What it is and how it works, Universal Law, Delhi (2005)
2003 Sourdin TM, 'Mediation in Australia: The decline of litigation', Global trends in mediation, Centrale fur Mediation, Germany (2003)
2002 Sourdin TM, 'Mediation in Australia', The convergence of legal systems in the 21st century, University of Queensland, Australia (2002)
2001 Sourdin TM, 'Case management', Laws of Australia, Thomson Reuters, Australia (2001)
Show 29 more chapters

Journal article (114 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2024 Schrever C, Hulbert C, Sourdin T, 'The privilege and the pressure: judges and magistrates reflections on the sources and impacts of stress in judicial work', Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 1-54
DOI 10.1080/13218719.2024.2335913
2023 Sourdin T, Li B, Brown A, 'An Ethical Perspective in the the Judicial Use of Artificial Intelligence: Where Will the New EU Artificial Intelligence Act Take Us?', Australian Law Journal, 97 421-435 (2023) [C1]
Co-authors Bin Li
2023 Carlson J, Sourdin T, Armstrong C, Watts M, Carlyle T, 'Return on Investment of Complaint Management: A Review and Research Agenda', AUSTRALASIAN MARKETING JOURNAL, 31 350-360 (2023) [C1]
DOI 10.1177/14413582221104854
Citations Scopus - 2Web of Science - 1
Co-authors Martin Watts, Christine Armstrong, Jamie Carlson
2023 Sourdin T, 'Technology and Judges in Australia', Australian Law Journal, 97 636-650 (2023) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 2
2023 Sourdin T, 'Robo Justice: Constitutional Issues with Judge AI', Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 30 293-324 (2023) [C1]
Citations Scopus - 1
2022 Sourdin T, 'What if Judges were relaced by AI?', Turkish Policy Quarterly, 20 (2022)
2022 Sourdin T, 'Mediating via Zoom', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 31 280-293 (2022) [C1]
2022 Sourdin T, 'Online Courts and the Future of Justice', JOURNAL OF LAW AND SOCIETY, 49 613-622 (2022)
DOI 10.1111/jols.12381
2022 Sourdin T, Detterer J, Evans C, 'The Australian work-related expenses regime: fit for purpose or ripe for reform?', Australian Tax Forum: a journal of taxation policy, law and reform, 37 407-454 (2022) [C1]
2022 Saady N, Sourdin T, 'Rethinking Lawyer Immunity', Australian Law Journal, 347-367 (2022) [C1]
2022 Schrever C, Hulbert C, Sourdin T, 'Where stress presides: predictors and correlates of stress among Australian judges and magistrates', Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 29 290-322 (2022) [C1]

Recent research on the nature, prevalence and severity of judicial stress in Australia has revealed a considerable burden of stress placed upon the judicial system. This article b... [more]

Recent research on the nature, prevalence and severity of judicial stress in Australia has revealed a considerable burden of stress placed upon the judicial system. This article builds upon this research by exploring the demographic and workplace factors associated with elevated stress among Australian judicial officers. A survey of 152 judicial officers from 5 Australian courts found that judicial stress¿operationalised as non-specific psychological distress, depressive and anxious symptoms, burnout and secondary traumatic stress¿was predicted by satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness. The only demographic variable found to be reliably associated with judicial stress was jurisdiction: compared with judicial officers in the higher jurisdictions (i.e. judges), those in the summary jurisdictions (i.e. magistrates) reported significantly higher levels of stress and significantly lower levels of basic psychological needs satisfaction. Implications and areas for future research are discussed. Alcohol use and dependence was not associated with levels of stress or needs satisfaction.

DOI 10.1080/13218719.2021.1904456
Citations Scopus - 7Web of Science - 1
2021 Sourdin T, Carlson J, Watts M, Armstrong C, Carlyle T, McGeoch D, 'Measuring Effective Complaint Handling by Government', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 31 210-222 (2021) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 1
Co-authors Christine Armstrong, Jamie Carlson, Martin Watts
2021 Heinsch M, Sourdin T, Brosnan C, Cootes H, 'Death sentencing by Zoom: An actor-network theory analysis', Alternative Law Journal, 46 13-19 (2021) [C1]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts around the world have introduced a range of technologies to cope with social distancing requirements. Jury trials have been largely delayed, a... [more]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, courts around the world have introduced a range of technologies to cope with social distancing requirements. Jury trials have been largely delayed, although some jurisdictions moved to remote jury approaches and video conferencing was used extensively for bail applications. While videoconferencing has been used to a more limited extent in the area of sentencing, many were appalled by the news that two people were sentenced to death via Zoom. This article uses actor-network theory (ANT) to explore the role of technology in reshaping the experience of those involved in the sentencing of Punithan Genasan in Singapore.

DOI 10.1177/1037969X20966147
Citations Scopus - 3
Co-authors Caragh Brosnan, Milena Heinsch
2021 Thiele-Evans L, Pepper B, Zeleznikow J, Foster N, Sourdin T, 'Regulatory approaches to managing artificial intelligence systems in autonomous vehicles in Australia', International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 29 79-100 (2021) [C1]
DOI 10.1093/ijlit/eaab002
Citations Scopus - 1
Co-authors Neil Foster
2021 Sourdin T, Castles M, 'Is the Tail Wagging the Dog? Finding a Place for ADR in Pre-Action Processes', Adelaide Law Review, 41 479-505 (2021) [C1]
2021 Thiele-Evans L, Pepper B, Zeleznikow J, Foster N, Sourdin T, 'Navigating a New Terrain; Developing Autonomous Vehicle Liability Pathways in Australia in light of international experience', Australian Law Journal, 95 875-897 (2021) [C1]
Co-authors Neil Foster
2021 Shi C, Sourdin T, Li B, 'The Smart Court A New Pathway to Justice in China?', International Journal for Court Administration, 12 1-19 (2021) [C1]

As with other jurisdictions, China has introduced a range of newer technologies into its justice sector to promote greater access to justice, improve judicial transparency and to ... [more]

As with other jurisdictions, China has introduced a range of newer technologies into its justice sector to promote greater access to justice, improve judicial transparency and to promote just outcomes for disputing parties with legal issues. Chinese courts¿ practice of embracing technology is unique as an overarching approach has been adopted by the central government to build the ¿smart court¿ system across the entirety of its courts. Arguably, the smart court system, which relies on computer technologies that enable big data use, blockchain formation and advisory and determinative forms of artificial legal intelligence, has, to a certain degree, promoted easier access to justice, enabled faster dispute resolution, saved costs by moving judicial process online and ensured that judgments can be enforced. On the other hand, however, there are concerns relating to the use of some technologies that include the use of automated judgments, digital divide issues, judicial independence, as well as issues linked to privacy and data protection. This article concludes that some caution should be exercised in developing the ¿smart court¿ system, primarily in relation to the oversight and introduction of more disruptive technologies to ensure that cheap and quick dispute resolution can be achieved without detrimental impacts on justice.

DOI 10.36745/ijca.367
Citations Scopus - 16
Co-authors Bin Li
2020 Sourdin T, Li B, Hinds T, 'Humans and justice machines: Emergent legal technologies and justice apps', Precedent, 20-24 (2020)
DOI 10.2139/ssrn.3662091
Co-authors Bin Li
2020 Sourdin T, Castles M, 'Is the tail wagging the dog? Finding a place for adr in pre-action processes: Practice and perception', Adelaide Law Review, 41 479-505 (2020) [C1]

Alternative Dispute Resolution (¿ADR¿) processes, particularly mediation, have been integrated into court and tribunal processes in various ways. Civil courts increasingly require... [more]

Alternative Dispute Resolution (¿ADR¿) processes, particularly mediation, have been integrated into court and tribunal processes in various ways. Civil courts increasingly require parties to engage in pre-action dispute resolution protocols prior to the issue of proceedings. These initiatives take various forms, and have varying degrees of success. In 2018 the authors undertook an extensive evaluation of the impact of pre-action protocols in the South Australian Supreme and District Courts. This culminated in a report that has subsequently informed reform to the relevant pre-action processes in South Australia in 2020. This article develops a particular aspect of the inquiry: The impact that lawyers may have on the take-up and efficacy of mediation in a pre-action setting. It focusses on a less explored element of the pre-action ADR debate ¿ the possible reasons for reluctance around pre-action engagement within the legal profession. The article concludes that there are a number of influences ¿ systemic, preferential, and professional ¿ relating to the timing, content, and nature of such processes, which have a significant impact on achieving change in this area.

Citations Scopus - 1
2020 Sourdin T, Li B, McNamara DM, 'Court innovations and access to justice in times of crisis', Health Policy and Technology, 9 447-453 (2020) [C1]

Background: COVID-19 has disrupted not only the health sector but also justice systems. Courts around the world have had to respond quickly to the challenges presented by the pand... [more]

Background: COVID-19 has disrupted not only the health sector but also justice systems. Courts around the world have had to respond quickly to the challenges presented by the pandemic and the associated social distancing restrictions. This has created significant challenges for the justice system and such challenges are likely to be further compounded in the post-pandemic era as there is a ¿tsunami¿ of COVID-19-related disputes predicted. Methods: This study will examine how global court responses have transitioned from being primarily traditional, face-to-face proceedings to online court processes (as supported by internet technology). By adopting a comparative approach, we will analyse how some countries have adapted to this shift to online mode while also maintaining a focus on access to justice. Results: We argue that online modes of dispute resolution, often referred to as Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), can promote resolution while facilitating social distancing in this new COVID-era. The rapid shift from traditional court processes to an online mode has further assisted the public, lawyers and experts to access the justice system in some jurisdictions, even during the crisis. In light of the scale of recent changes, there have been concerns about the capacity of courts to adopt newer technologies as well as issues relating to the impact of a new online model of justice, particularly in terms of the barriers for more vulnerable members of society. Further, the use of disruptive technologies in some courts have posed questions around whether outcomes generated by these innovations reflect the meaning of ¿justice¿ in its traditional sense. Conclusions: This article argues that courts should embrace newer technologies that support court services while being mindful of possible tech-related issues that can impact on justice objectives. We argue that by placing further emphasis on alternative dispute resolution methods and ODR into the future, this might offset the likely tsunami of COVID-related litigation which would enable courts, hospitals, medical professionals and patients to settle disputes in a just, equitable and more efficient manner.

DOI 10.1016/j.hlpt.2020.08.020
Citations Scopus - 34Web of Science - 16
Co-authors Donna Mcnamara10, Bin Li
2020 Sourdin T, Atherton M, 'Treating Vulnerable Consumers 'Fairly'When They Make a Complaint About Banking or Finance in Australia', Bond Law Review, 32 1-33 (2020) [C1]
Co-authors Mirella Atherton
2020 Clark B, Sourdin T, 'The Singapore Convention: a solution in search of a problem?', Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, 71 481-499 (2020) [C1]
2020 Sourdin T, 'Judge v Robot: Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Decision-Making', Journal of Soochow University Law Edition, 7 (2020)
DOI 10.19563/j.cnki.sdfx.2020.04.002
2020 Sourdin T, Li B, Simm S, Connolly A, 'COVID-19, Technology and Family Dispute Resolution', AUSTRALASIAN DISPUTE RESOLUTION JOURNAL, 30 270-283 (2020)
Citations Web of Science - 3
Co-authors Bin Li
2020 Sourdin T, Li B, Simm S, Connolly A, 'COVID-19, Technology and Family Dispute Resolution', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 30 270-283 (2020) [C1]
Co-authors Bin Li
2020 Sourdin T, Zeleznikow J, 'Courts, Mediation and COVID-19', Australian Business Law Review, 48 138-158 (2020) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 14
2019 Sourdin T, Hulbert C, Schrever C, 'The Psychological Impact of Judicial Work: Australia's First Empirical Research Measuring Judicial Stress and Wellbeing', Journal of Judicial Administration, 28 141-168 (2019) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 10
2019 Wyllie J, Carlson J, Voola R, Sourdin T, 'Consumer Vulnerability: Advancing a Multidisciplinary Perspective of Vulnerability', Social Business, 9 1-5 (2019)
DOI 10.1362/204440819x15504844628029
2019 Sourdin T, Atherton M, 'Vulnerability and dispute resolution in the banking and finance sector', Social Business, 9 69-91 (2019) [C1]
DOI 10.1362/204440819x15504844628083
Co-authors Mirella Atherton
2019 Sourdin T, Li B, Burke T, 'Just Quick and Cheap? Civil Dispute Resolution and Technology', Macquarie Law Journal, 19 17-38 (2019) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 9
Co-authors Bin Li
2019 Sourdin T, Murphy R, 'Skilled Mediators and Workplace Bullying', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 29 146-161 (2019) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 2
2019 Sourdin T, 'Judicial Involvement in Settlement Conferences: Opportunities and Issues Tania Sourdin', CIVIL JUSTICE QUARTERLY, 38 78-96 (2019) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 2
2018 Sourdin TM, Burstyner N, Liyange C, Bahadorreza O, Zeleznikow J, 'Using Technology to Discover More About the Justice System', Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal, 44 1-32 (2018) [C1]
2018 Sourdin TM, Allen B, 'The Mediating Brain', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 58-68 (2018) [C1]
2018 Sourdin T, Muddle M, Castles M, 'The Evaluation of Specific Pre-Action Processes in South Australia', SSRN Electronic Journal,
DOI 10.2139/ssrn.3269693
2018 Sourdin TM, Castles M, Muddle M, 'Pre-Action Requirements in Medical Negligence Matters', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 7 77-93 (2018) [C1]
2018 Sourdin TM, 'Judge v Robot? Artificial Intelligence and Judicial Decision Making', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 41 1114-1133 (2018) [C1]
Citations Scopus - 77Web of Science - 31
2017 Sourdin T, Li B, 'Editorial', Newcastle Law Review, 12 v-ix (2017) [C1]
Co-authors Bin Li
2017 Sourdin T, 'Judge v Robot: The Rise of Machines Is Upon Uss', SSRN Electronic Journal,
DOI 10.2139/ssrn.3040402
2017 Brennan C, Sourdin T, Williams J, Burstyner N, Gill C, 'Consumer vulnerability and complaint handling: Challenges, opportunities and dispute system design', International Journal of Consumer Studies, 41 638-646 (2017) [C1]

Effectively designed complaint handling systems play a key role in enabling vulnerable consumers to complain and obtain redress. This article examines current research into consum... [more]

Effectively designed complaint handling systems play a key role in enabling vulnerable consumers to complain and obtain redress. This article examines current research into consumer vulnerability, highlighting its multidimensional and expansive nature. Contemporary understandings of consumer vulnerability recognize that the interaction between a wide range of market and consumer characteristics can combine to place any individual at risk of vulnerability. While this broad definition of consumer vulnerability reflects the complex reality of consumers¿ experiences, it poses a key challenge for designers of complaint handling systems: how can they identify and respond to an issue which can potentially affect everyone? Drawing on current research and practice in the United Kingdom and Australia, the article analyses the impact of consumer vulnerability on third party dispute resolution schemes and considers the role these complaint handling organizations can play in supporting their complainants. Third party complaint handling organizations, including a range of Alternative Dispute Resolution services such as ombudsman organizations, can play a key role in increasing access to justice for vulnerable consumer groups and provide specific assistance for individual complainants during the process. It is an opportune time to review whether the needs of consumers at risk of vulnerability are being met within complaint processes and the extent to which third party complaint handlers support those who are most vulnerable to seek redress. Empowering vulnerable consumers to complain presents specific challenges. The article discusses the application of a new model of consumer dispute system design to show how complaint handling organizations can meet the needs of the most vulnerable consumers throughout the process.

DOI 10.1111/ijcs.12377
Citations Scopus - 21Web of Science - 16
2017 Sourdin T, 'Justice in the Age of Technology: The rise of machines is upon us', Precedent (Australian Lawyers Alliance), PrecedentAULA 16; (2017) 139 Precedent 4 4-9 (2017)
2016 Sourdin T, Cornes R, 'Implications for therapeutic judging (TJ) of a psychoanalytical approach to the judicial role Reflections on Robert Burt's contribution', International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 48 8-14 (2016) [C1]
DOI 10.1016/j.ijlp.2016.06.010
Citations Scopus - 2Web of Science - 3
2016 Sourdin TM, Hioe A, 'Mediation and Psychological Priming', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 35 76-90 (2016) [C1]
2016 Burstyner N, Sourdin TM, Liyange C, Ofoghi B, 'Why do some civil cases end up in a full hearing? Formulating litigation and process referral indicia through text analysis', Journal of Judicial Administration, 25 257-295 (2016) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 2
2016 Sourdin T, Burstyner N, 'Justice Delayed is Justice Denied', SSRN Electronic Journal,
DOI 10.2139/ssrn.2721531
2015 Sourdin TM, 'Dealing with tax disputes about taxation in a 'fair' way', Journal of Australian Taxation, 17 169-223 (2015) [C1]
2015 Sourdin TM, 'Evaluating alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in disputes about taxation', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 34 19-32 (2015) [C1]
2015 Sourdin TM, 'The role of the courts in the new justice system', Penn State Yearbook on Arbitration and Mediation, (2015)
2015 Sourdin TM, 'Justice and technological innovation', Journal of Judicial Administration, 25 96-105 (2015) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 13
2014 Sourdin TM, Russell S, 'Community model cuts crime', Law Institute Journal, 88 28-28 (2014)
2014 Sourdin TM, Wallace N, 'The dilemmas posed by self-represented litigants: The dark side', Journal of Judicial Administration, 24 61-70 (2014) [C1]
2014 Sourdin TM, 'Using Alternative Dispute Resolution to save time', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 33 61-72 (2014) [C1]
2014 Sourdin TM, 'Good faith participation in mediation: An Australian perspective', ACResolution, Spring 31-34 (2014)
2014 Sourdin TM, 'International dispatch: ADR trends Down Under', Dispute Resolution Magazine, 20 3-3 (2014)
2014 Sourdin TM, 'Why judges should not meet privately with parties in mediation but should be involved in settlement conference work', Journal of Arbitration and Mediation, 4 99-109 (2014)
2014 Sourdin TM, 'Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) principles: From negotiation to mediation', Nagoya University Journal of Law and Politics, 258 179-193 (2014)
2014 Sourdin TM, Burstyner N, 'Justice delayed is justice denied', Victoria University Law and Justice Journal, 4 46-60 (2014) [C1]
2013 Richardson E, Sourdin TM, 'Mind the gap: Making evidence-based decisions about self-represented litigants', Journal of Judicial Administration, 22 191-206 (2013) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 1
2013 Sourdin TM, 'Innovation and alternative dispute resolution', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 32 111-126 (2013) [C1]
2013 Sourdin TM, 'Resolving disputes without courts?', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 32 25-40 (2013) [C1]
2013 Sourdin T, 'Good Faith, Bad Faith?', Victoria University Law and Justice Journal, 2 [C1]
DOI 10.15209/vulj.v2i1.10
2013 Sourdin TM, 'The role of the court in alternative dispute resolution', Asian Journal on Mediation, 80-96 (2013)
2013 Sourdin TM, Burstyner N, 'Cost and time hurdles in civil litigation: exploring the impact of pre-action requirements', Journal of Civil Litigation and Practice, 2 66-84 (2013) [C1]
2013 Sourdin T, 'The Timeliness Project: Background Report (2013)
2012 Sourdin TM, 'Not teaching ADR in law schools? Implications for law students, clients and the ADR field', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 23 148-156 (2012) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 12
2012 Sourdin TM, 'Teaching Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Law Schools: Developing the law curriculum to meet the needs of the modern legal practitioner', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 23 148-148 (2012)
2012 Sourdin TM, 'Decision-making in ADR: Science, sense and sensibility', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 31 1-14 (2012) [C1]
2012 Sourdin TM, 'Civil dispute resolution obligations: What is reasonable?', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 35 889-913 (2012) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 5
2012 Sourdin T, 'Requiring People to Mediate Before Starting Court Proceedings Recent Findings', SSRN Electronic Journal,
DOI 10.2139/ssrn.2721471
2012 Richardson E, Sourdin T, Wallace N, 'Self-Represented Litigants: Gathering Useful Information (2012)
2012 Richardson E, Sourdin T, Wallace N, 'Self Represented Litigants: Literature Review (2012)
2011 Sourdin TM, 'Five reasons why judges should conduct settlement conferences', Monash University Law Review, 37 145-170 (2011) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 9
2011 Sourdin TM, 'Making litigants more agreeable?', Alternative Law Journal, 36 203-203 (2011)
2011 Sourdin TM, 'Thematic issue: Reporting on research from the NADRAC Forum - Introduction', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 22 3-7 (2011)
2011 Ojelabi L, Sourdin TM, 'Using a values-based approach in mediation', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 22 258-266 (2011) [C1]
Citations Web of Science - 5
2010 Sourdin TM, 'Poor quality mediation - A system failure', ADR Bulletin, 11 (2010)
2010 Sourdin TM, 'Conflict is obligations to try to settle', Law Society Journal, 48 71-73 (2010)
2010 Sourdin TM, 'Making an attempt to resolve disputes before using courts? We all have obligations', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 21 225-233 (2010)
Citations Web of Science - 7
2009 Sourdin TM, 'Mediation styles and their impact: Lessons from the Supreme and County Courts of Victoria research project', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 20 142-152 (2009)
Citations Web of Science - 14
2009 Sourdin TM, Balvin N, 'Mediation in the Supreme and County Courts of Victoria: A summary of the results', ADR Bulletin, 11 (2009)
2009 Sourdin TM, 'From accreditation to quality mediation practice - next steps?', ADR Bulletin, 11 (2009)
2009 Sourdin T, 'Mediation in the Supreme and County Courts of Victoria (2009)
2008 Sourdin TM, Thorpe L, 'Consumer perceptions of dispute resolution processes', Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 15 (2008)
2008 Sourdin TM, Gee T, 'Mediation training: Family dispute resolution - series 1/ Basic Family Mediation Skill', Journal of Family Studies, 14 131-133 (2008)
2008 Sourdin TM, 'Mediating high conflict and family violence - series 2 and 3 review', Journal of Family Studies, 14 (2008)
2008 Sourdin TM, Thorpe L, 'How do financial services consumers access complaints and dispute resolution processes?', Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 19 25-41 (2008)
Citations Web of Science - 2
2008 Sourdin TM, 'Avoiding the credentialing wars: Mediator accreditation in Australia', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 27 (2008)
2008 Sourdin TM, 'Mediator credentialing', ACR Workplace Newsletter, (2008)
2008 Sourdin T, 'Conflict Resolution e-Journal Number 1 (June 2007) (2008)
2008 Sourdin T, Balvin N, 'Interim Evaluation of Dispute Settlement Centre Victoria Projects: The Neighbourhood Justice Centre Project The Corio/Norlane Community Mediation Project (2008)
2007 Sourdin TM, 'An alternative for who? Access to ADR processes', ADR Bulletin, 10 26-27 (2007)
2007 Sourdin T, Zeleznikow J, Stranieri A, 'Criminal Sentencing, Intuition and Decision Support', Book cover Book cover Advances and Innovations in Systems, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, 41-61 (2007)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-6264-3_8
2007 Sourdin T, 'Consumer Experience on Complaints Handling and Dispute Resolution - A Research Study Undertaken in Victoria, Australia (2007)
2007 Sourdin T, 'Accrediting Mediators - The New National Mediation Accreditation Scheme (Australia) (2007)
2006 Sourdin TM, 'DYD "Dialogues with Separated Parents: Child Focused Dispute Resolution (McIntosh & Moloney, 2006) and Companion Handbook "Creating Child Focused Dialogues with Separated Parents: Theoretical and Clinical Underpinnings of Child Focused Dispute Resolution" (Moloney & McIntosh, 2006)', Journal of Family Studies, 12 284-284 (2006)
2006 Sourdin TM, 'ADR and technologically supported negotiation: AI', The Arbitrator and Mediator, 25 33-33 (2006)
2005 Hall MJ, Calabro D, Sourdin TM, Stranieri A, Zeleznikow J, 'Supporting discretionary decision-making with information technology: A case study in the criminal sentencing jurisdiction', University of Ottawa Law and Technology Journal, 2 1-1 (2005)
2005 Sourdin TM, 'Confessions, confessions...mediator obligations when someone 'fesses up'', ADR Bulletin, 7 96-96 (2005)
2004 Sourdin TM, 'Developing the law curriculum to meet the needs of the 21st century practitioner', Law Institute Journal, 65-67 (2004)
2004 Sourdin TM, 'Facilitative judging', Law in Context, 22 64-64 (2004)
2003 Sourdin TM, 'ADR in the Australian Court and Tribunal Systems', ADR Bulletin, 6 55-55 (2003)
2002 Sourdin TM, 'Dispute resolution in business', National Accountant, (2002)
2002 Sourdin TM, 'A glass half full or a glass half empty? A contribution to the issues raised by David Bryson', ADR Bulletin, 5 1-1 (2002)
2001 Sourdin TM, 'Legislative referral to ADR', ADR Journal, (2001)
2001 Sourdin TM, 'When is mediation appropriate?', ADR Journal, (2001)
2001 Sourdin TM, 'ADR standards: Recent developments', Mediation News, 5-5 (2001)
2001 Sourdin TM, 'New standards for ADR', Mediation News, (2001)
2000 Sourdin TM, 'Evaluating ADR', ADR Bulletin, (2000)
2000 Sourdin TM, 'Conciliation processes', LEADR Brief, (2000)
2000 Sourdin TM, 'Business dispute resolution new rules', The Arbitrator, (2000)
1997 Sourdin TM, 'Educating judges about ADR', Journal of Judicial Administration, (1997)
1997 Sourdin TM, 'Review of the adversarial system of litigation', LEADR Brief, 7 (1997)
1997 Sourdin TM, 'Law and the cultural shift. Borrowing dispute resolution process ideas from Europe? Forget it. What about Asia and the States', Reform, (1997)
1996 Sourdin TM, 'Judicial management and alternative dispute resolution trends', Australian Bar Review, 14 185-185 (1996)
Show 111 more journal articles

Review (1 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2023 Sourdin T, 'Tania Sourdin. Larry A. DiMatteo, Cristina Poncibò and Michel Cannarsa (eds) Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence: Global Perspectives on Law and Ethics. Prometheus. 2023. Vol. 39(1):60-65. DOI: 10.13169/prometheus.39.1.0060 (2023)

Conference (4 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2022 Sanchez-Lasaballett E, Sourdin T, Li B, 'Facial Recognition, Issues and Policy Responses', Justice Innovation Symposium, Newcastle, Australia (2022)
Co-authors Bin Li, E Sanchez-Lasaballett
2022 Sourdin T, Li B, Atherton M, Thomas H, 'Improving Customer Experience by Optimising Complaints Handling Practice at DPE', Melbourne, Australia (2022)
Co-authors Bin Li, Mirella Atherton
2017 Carlson JL, Armstrong C, Sourdin T, Watts M, Dean A, 'Demontrating Return on Investment of Effective Complaint Management: A Research Synthesis and Agenda for Future Research. Proceedings of 2017 Academy of Marketing Conference.', Hull, England (2017)
Co-authors Jamie Carlson, Christine Armstrong, Alison Dean, Martin Watts
2007 Vincent A, Sourdin T, Zeleznikow J, 'Criminal sentencing, intuition and decision support', ADVANCES AND INNOVATIONS IN SYSTEMS, COMPUTING SCIENCES AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Bridgeport, CT (2007)
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-6264-3_8
Citations Scopus - 1
Show 1 more conference

Other (4 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2021 'Australasian Dispute Resolution', ( pp.1-1-24-121). Pyrmont: Thomson Reuters (2021)
2020 Sourdin T, Li B, 'People are using artificial intelligence to help sort out their divorce. Would you?', : The Conversation (2020)
Co-authors Bin Li
2019 Li B, Sourdin T, 'Technological Impacts on Civil Dispute Resolution', . Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong (2019)
Co-authors Bin Li
2018 Carlson JL, Sourdin T, Armstrong C, Watts M, Dean A, 'Return on Investment of Effective Complaints Management', . Sydney, Australia: Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals Australia (2018)
Co-authors Alison Dean, Martin Watts, Christine Armstrong, Jamie Carlson
Show 1 more other

Report (2 outputs)

Year Citation Altmetrics Link
2015 Sourdin T, Shanks A, 'Evaluating Alternative Dispute Resolution in Taxation Disputes -- Final Report' (2015)
2012 Sourdin TM, 'Family Support Program Literature Review, Research into the Family Support Program: Family Law Services', Monash University (2012)

Grants and Funding


Number of grants 25
Total funding $1,827,624

Click on a grant title below to expand the full details for that specific grant.

Highlighted grants and funding

Better dispute resolution options for the elderly$8,000

Funding body: Monash University

Funding body Monash University
Project Team


Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2015
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

20223 grants / $119,000

Analysis of Complaints Handling for the RSD Team $85,000

Funding body: NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment

Funding body NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Doctor Christine Armstrong, Doctor Mirella Atherton, Doctor Bin Li
Scheme Tender
Role Lead
Funding Start 2022
Funding Finish 2022
GNo G2101391
Type Of Funding C2300 – Aust StateTerritoryLocal – Own Purpose
Category 2300

The ways in which First Nations approaches to peacebuilding and peacemaking can be recognised in association with the NMAS$29,000

Funding body: Mediator Standards Board

Funding body Mediator Standards Board
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Doctor Bin Li
Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2022
Funding Finish 2023
GNo G2300004
Type Of Funding C3100 – Aust For Profit
Category 3100

Survey on Judges and Technology$5,000

Funding body: Australian Academy of Law

Funding body Australian Academy of Law
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Doctor Brian Barry
Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2022
Funding Finish 2022
GNo G2200214
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

20192 grants / $38,636

Adieu Technologies AC Project$29,545

Funding body: Adieu Technologies Pty Ltd

Funding body Adieu Technologies Pty Ltd
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin
Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2019
Funding Finish 2019
GNo G1900504
Type Of Funding C3100 – Aust For Profit
Category 3100

2019 Amendment of the CALD Australian Law School Standards$9,091

Funding body: Council of Australian Law Deans

Funding body Council of Australian Law Deans
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin
Scheme Research Project
Role Lead
Funding Start 2019
Funding Finish 2019
GNo G1900627
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

20182 grants / $49,818

Return on Investment of Effective Complaints Management - Public Organisations$41,818

Funding body: SOCAP Australia (Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals Australia)

Funding body SOCAP Australia (Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals Australia)
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Professor Jamie Carlson
Scheme Research Project
Role Lead
Funding Start 2018
Funding Finish 2018
GNo G1801052
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

Newcastle as a Restorative City$8,000

Funding body: Ian Potter Foundation

Funding body Ian Potter Foundation
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Doctor Nicola Ross, Professor John Anderson
Scheme Conference Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2018
Funding Finish 2018
GNo G1700771
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

20171 grants / $54,712

Restorative justice initiatives in the Hunter and Newcastle’s proclamation as a Restorative City$54,712

Funding body: NED Foundation

Funding body NED Foundation
Project Team Professor John Anderson, Professor Tania Sourdin, Doctor Nicola Ross
Scheme Research Grant
Role Investigator
Funding Start 2017
Funding Finish 2020
GNo G1701082
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

20163 grants / $83,919

Complaints Handling: Return on Investment$36,825

Funding body: SOCAP Australia (Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals Australia)

Funding body SOCAP Australia (Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals Australia)
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Emeritus Professor Martin Watts, Professor Jamie Carlson, Emeritus Professor Alison Dean
Scheme Research Project
Role Lead
Funding Start 2016
Funding Finish 2017
GNo G1601101
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

Consultation and development of a regulatory framework for pre injury average weekly earnings (PIAWE)$25,000

Funding body: State Insurance Regulatory Authority

Funding body State Insurance Regulatory Authority
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin
Scheme Research Project
Role Lead
Funding Start 2016
Funding Finish 2016
GNo G1601113
Type Of Funding Other Public Sector - State
Category 2OPS

Fast track negotiation skills for right to information and information privacy with the OIC$22,094

Funding body: Office of the Information Commissioner (QLD)

Funding body Office of the Information Commissioner (QLD)
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin
Scheme Research Project
Role Lead
Funding Start 2016
Funding Finish 2018
GNo G1601119
Type Of Funding C2300 – Aust StateTerritoryLocal – Own Purpose
Category 2300

20157 grants / $237,364

Reviewing Workers Compensation arrangements in Western Australia $58,000

Funding body: Private Consultancy

Funding body Private Consultancy
Project Team

T. Sourdin

Scheme Consultancy
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2016
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

How do pre action processes work in medical negligence and construction disputes?$45,000

Funding body: Law Foundation of South Australia

Funding body Law Foundation of South Australia
Project Team

T. Sourdin

Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2016
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

Reviewing Complaints Professional Standards$45,000

Funding body: Professional Standards Council

Funding body Professional Standards Council
Project Team

T. Sourdin

Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2015
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

Evaluation of Pre Action Processes in South Australia$36,364

Funding body: Law Foundation of SA Incorporated

Funding body Law Foundation of SA Incorporated
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin
Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2016
GNo G1601022
Type Of Funding C3200 – Aust Not-for Profit
Category 3200

Using Artificial Intelligence systems to discover more about litigated cases$25,000

Funding body: The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA)

Funding body The Australasian Institute of Judicial Administration (AIJA)
Project Team


Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2015
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

Exploring Pre action Processes in South Australia$20,000

Funding body: Supreme Court of South Australia

Funding body Supreme Court of South Australia
Project Team


Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2015
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

Better dispute resolution options for the elderly$8,000

Funding body: Monash University

Funding body Monash University
Project Team


Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2015
Funding Finish 2015
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

20132 grants / $142,000

Design, Development and Administration of an ADR Feedback mechanism$120,000

Funding body: Australian Taxation Office

Funding body Australian Taxation Office
Project Team

T. Sourdin

Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2013
Funding Finish 2014
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

ACJI Neighbourhood Justice Centre project$22,000

Funding body: Department of Justice, Victoria

Funding body Department of Justice, Victoria
Project Team

T. Sourdin

Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2013
Funding Finish 2013
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

20121 grants / $260,000

Review of AGD Family Support Program (FSP) Family Law Services$260,000

Funding body: Attorney Generals Department

Funding body Attorney Generals Department
Project Team

T. Sourdin, T. Brown, and B. Batagol

Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2012
Funding Finish 2013
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

20111 grants / $400,000

Australian Centre for Court and Justice System Innovation$400,000

Funding body: Attorney Generals Department, Victoria

Funding body Attorney Generals Department, Victoria
Project Team

A. Freiberg and T. Sourdin

Scheme Research Grant
Role Investigator
Funding Start 2011
Funding Finish 2014
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

20101 grants / $60,000

Timely Dispute Management and Resolution in Victorian Civil and Criminal Courts$60,000

Funding body: Department of Justice, Victoria

Funding body Department of Justice, Victoria
Project Team

T. Sourdin

Scheme Research Grant
Role Lead
Funding Start 2010
Funding Finish 2013
Type Of Funding External
Category EXTE

20081 grants / $312,825

The development of negotiation support systems that focus upon complying with notions of equity$312,825

Funding body: ARC (Australian Research Council)

Funding body ARC (Australian Research Council)
Project Team

John Zeleznikow

Scheme Linkage Projects
Role Investigator
Funding Start 2008
Funding Finish 2011
Type Of Funding Aust Competitive - Commonwealth
Category 1CS

20031 grants / $69,350

The development of legal decision support systems in discretionary domains$69,350

Funding body: Australia Research Council

Funding body Australia Research Council
Project Team

John Zeleznikow

Scheme Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities
Role Investigator
Funding Start 2003
Funding Finish 2008
Type Of Funding Aust Competitive - Commonwealth
Category 1CS

Research Supervision

Number of supervisions


Current Supervision

Commenced Level of Study Research Title Program Supervisor Type
2023 PhD Exploring Sustainable Justice PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2022 PhD The Role of Intermediaries from Police Interviews to Jury Trials: Increasing Access to Justice PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2020 PhD The Common Law Civil Action for Breach of Statutory Duty: History, Elements and Prospects PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2019 PhD Implementing Change in a Conservative Australian Legal Context by Assessing the Value of Novel Fiduciary Relationships with Approaches in Foreign Jurisdictions. Will the Judiciary or Legislature be Persuaded? PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2019 PhD A Comparative Analysis of Fiduciary Law's Future: Evolving Relationships and Fusionist Tendencies PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor

Past Supervision

Year Level of Study Research Title Program Supervisor Type
2023 PhD Where stress presides: Investigating occupational stress within the Australian judiciary
<span _ngcontent-dspace-angular-c458="" class="pre-wrap ng-star-inserted">The thesis presents the first empirical research on the psychological health of the Australian judiciary. Judicial officers have an important and difficult job in democratic societies. They are senior members of the legal profession, the third arm of government, and guardians of the rule of law. They also manage demanding workloads, disturbing case material, and high-stakes decision-making. Several decades of Australian and international empirical research has demonstrated alarmingly high rates of stress and mental ill-health among lawyers and law students. However, judicial wellbeing has not received the same research attention, especially in Australia. The dearth of robust research impinges effective and evidence-based intervention to support judicial officers in their complex and critical work.</span>
Psychology, Melbourne University Co-Supervisor
2022 PhD The Inexorable Expansion of Executive Detention in Australia: The Case for Law Reform PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2020 PhD What is an Effective or Good Mediator: Exploring empirical research on mediator attributes and behaviour PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Principal Supervisor
2019 PhD Lawyer Approaches to Court-Connected Mediation: A New Case Study PhD (Law), College of Human and Social Futures, The University of Newcastle Co-Supervisor
2012 PhD Online Dispute resolution Law, La Trobe University Principal Supervisor
2012 Honours Conflict in the Compact City Law, Victoria University Co-Supervisor
2012 PhD The legal and institutional framework for the enforcement of online consumer arbitration awards: evidence from Australia and Sri Lanka Law, La Trobe University Co-Supervisor
2010 PhD Culture and Conflict Law, La Trobe University Principal Supervisor
2006 PhD The Management of intractable natural resource conflict in Australia Law, La Trobe University Principal Supervisor

Research Projects

Newcastle as a Restorative City 2016 -

To transform a city into a restorative city where restorative practices are implemented broadly to restore damaged relationships and manage social and community challenges across all sectors of the city involves a change in attitudes at multiple levels (personal, institutional, city) to support respectful dialogue and a preference for social inclusion and restoration where individual or institutional harm has occurred to individuals in the community. This often goes hand in hand with the development of restorative justice programs and restorative practices implemented in schools and other community organisations. Although other cities, including Canberra, have been pursuing similar goals and present important learning opportunities in relation to their various strategies, it is clear that restorative cities cannot be transplanted. Such cities must be built and grow in the context of their particular demography, citizenry, strengths and challenges.

Newcastle is the seventh largest city in Australia, with a population of over 160,000 people. Although it is experiencing urban renewal, there are questions about whether social and cultural renewal will co-occur with the much-needed economic renewal of the city. There are various ‘restorative-type’ practices occurring in different organisations and sectors of the city but there is limited sharing of experiences and strategies. We will consider the synergies existing and developing in Newcastle to progress the vision of a restorative city together with the inevitable barriers and scepticism associated with such significant social and cultural change. Even in the face of many significant hurdles to be overcome, we are optimistic that the project will gather momentum and incrementally move towards the ultimate vision of a restorative city. 

The research team is comprised of:

  1. Dr Nicola Ross – Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Law School. Well respected and high-profile researcher in relation to child protection and issues affecting family cohesion and welfare in Australia and international contexts. She has published widely on the legal constructs of children and their voices in autonomous decision-making.
  2. Dr John Anderson – Associate Professor, Newcastle Law School. Leading and experienced criminal law and justice scholar who principally researches and publishes in the areas of sentencing and evidence. His scholarship has an overarching concern with equity and fairness in the criminal justice system. He has effectively collaborated with various scholars and practitioners both in Australia and internationally.

This project has so far resulted in two conference presentations, one peer review journal article and will be hosting an international symposium over two days in June 2018.


A Restorative City for New South Wales: Could Newcastle be a Model?

Funding body: Nurturing Evolutionary Development Inc (NED Foundation)

Funding body Nurturing Evolutionary Development Inc (NED Foundation)

A restorative city is one in which restorative justice and restorative practices are implemented widely throughout the life of the city. Restorative justice has traditionally been associated with criminal justice systems, where techniques such as victim-offender mediations, restorative justice conferencing and re-integrative shaming are employed. These techniques bring the offender, victim, community members and other interested parties together to discuss the offending, and propose ways forward which heal the victim and the community, while reintegrating the offender into the community. Restorative cities go further by introducing restorative practices throughout the community: in education, in social services, in law enforcement, and in workplaces. Mediations, conferences and relationship-building exercises are used to encourage the resolution of disputes and disagreements through communication, to address inappropriate behaviour, and to promote a caring and inclusive culture.

Restorative cities have many positive impacts in the community. The introduction of restorative justice into criminal systems has resulted in less offending, less recidivism and greater participant satisfaction with the process by all parties including those offended against. In schools, students learn how to build relationships, solve disputes and understand other points of view. This leads to higher attendance, improved educational outcomes and improved school culture. Workplaces that engage with restorative practices are more productive. Restorative cities are safer, happier, hopeful places where community spirit is restored and the social fabric of the city transformed.

Mary Porter AM recently moved to the Newcastle area. Mary is a former member of the ACT Legislative Assembly, who is committed to community development. She played a pivotal role in the movement to transform Canberra into a Restorative City. Mary had a similar vision for the transformation of Newcastle and approached Newcastle Law School to partner with her to undertake this. Newcastle Law School’s newly appointed Dean, Professor Sourdin is an international expert in dispute resolution. Associate Professor John Anderson, who teaches evidence and criminal law, and Dr Nicola Ross, who teaches family and child law, have long-standing interests in restorative justice and practices, as does Shaun McCarthy, Director of the University of Newcastle Legal Centre.

Newcastle has pockets of disadvantage in relation to unemployment, income, education, housing, child welfare, and criminal justice. It has recently faced challenges due to the erosion of traditional industry & employment opportunities. While plans are underway for urban renewal in the city’s CBD, Newcastle is also in need of social, cultural and economic renewal. A significant contribution to this broad renewal could be made through Newcastle becoming a restorative city.

The support of key stakeholders is required to achieve the transformation of Newcastle into a restorative city. In other restorative cities, these stakeholders include community members from the criminal justice system, government, education, health, business, and community welfare. Assembling a task force to carry the project forward is the first step. Co-ordination with key stakeholders is required to introduce restorative practices throughout the community.

Other restorative cities have commenced by introducing restorative practices into organisations that work with children and young people, such as schools, child and community welfare organisations, and the youth justice system. This strategy aims to ensure all children become experts in restorative practices, to ensure that tomorrow’s leaders are able to participate in strong, inclusive communities, and are ready to face the many challenges undoubtedly ahead.

Scheme Community Project Grant

Newcastle as a Restorative City

Funding body: Ian Potter Foundation

Funding body Ian Potter Foundation
Project Team Professor Tania Sourdin, Doctor Nicola Ross, Professor John Anderson
Scheme Conference Grant


Anderson JL, Ross N, 'A Restorative City for New South Wales - Could Newcastle be a Model?', Journal of Judicial Administration, 27 74-91 (2018) [C1]


Name Organisation
Doctor Nicola Mary Ross University of Newcastle
Professor Tania Michelle Sourdin University of Newcastle



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Professor Tania Sourdin


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Location City Campus
