Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


Organisations are collections of people comprising different social groups (e.g. in universities there are students, lecturers, administrators, librarians, etc.). In order to be successful, it is important that these groups contain the right sorts of people, who compete or cooperate with one another appropriately, and make effective decisions. This course looks at the ways that social psychology has been applied to understanding human behaviour in organisations. The course also deals with the discipline of organisational psychology. Issues that are covered include intergroup relations in the workplace, communication, leadership and power, and organisational change.Related CoursesPSYC3001, PSYC3301, PSYC3500Forms part of the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council's accredited sequence.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 2 - 2021.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Recognise classic and contemporary theories and evidence in social and organisational psychology.

2. Evaluate research in social and organisational psychology.

3. Communicate applications of organisational psychology as part of a team.

4. Critically evaluate theory and evidence in social and organisational psychology.

5. Apply social and organisational psychology theory to 'real-life' situations.


Social Psychology

  • applying social psychology to real-life problems
  • intergroup conflict in the workplace
  • stereotyping in the workplace

Organisational Psychology

  • an analysis of perceptions and attributions
  • team dynamics
  • communication
  • rewards,
  • conflict
  • stress in the workplace.

Assumed knowledge

PSYC2600 and another 10 unit 2000 level PSYC course

Assessment items

Presentation: Group work and communication skills: oral presentations, answers to questions and feedback to peers.

In Term Test: Online Test

Formal Examination: Formal exam

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.