Available in 2024
Course code



10 units


6000 level

Course handbook


This course is premised on the understanding that effective clinical teaching and learning can transform practice and practice environments. It explores theories relevant to adult learning, models of clinical teaching, how the clinical organisation influences teaching and learning, and contemporary approaches for improving clinical teaching. Students will be provided with opportunities to integrate their developing knowledge and skills into their own clinical practice and to reflect on and learn from this experience.

Availability2024 Course Timetables


  • Trimester 2 - 2024


  • Trimester 2 - 2024

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Discuss creating a learning community in the clinical context

2. Recognise different learning styles

3. Discuss and apply adult learning theories to the role of clinical teaching

4. Examine the issue of teaching and learning in terms of nurses'/midwives' responsibilities for ongoing professional education of themselves and others

5. Discuss the implications of information and communication technology on clinical teaching and learning

6. Describe teaching and learning associated with using clinical simulation in the clinical context

7. Explain why feedback and evaluation are important and appropriate strategies for these components of clinical teaching

8. Discuss strategies to use when teaching people from diverse cultures

9. Discuss challenges to effective clinical teaching and learning and how they can be overcome

10. Discuss mentoring, preceptoring and clinical supervision and how they contribute to teaching and learning in the clinical context

11. Develop a teaching philosophy


  1. Teaching and learning in the clinical environment
  2. Learning styles
  3. Adult learning theories
  4. Develop learning outcomes
  5. Providing feedback and conducting evaluation
  6. Challenges to effective clinical teaching
  7. Teaching philosophy
  8. Teaching health professionals from diverse cultural backgrounds
  9. Information and communication technology for teaching and learning
  10. Clinical simulation
  11. Mentoring, preceptoring and clinical supervision
  12. Continuing professional development

Assumed knowledge

Foundations of nursing/midwifery knowledge, nursing/midwifery theory, legal and ethical issues, fundamentals of research, human bioscience, psychology, sociology related to practice. Principles of investigative approaches in nursing/midwifery, concepts and theories relevant to practice, contemporary nursing or midwifery issues. Academic reading and writing skills, ability to access and evaluate information from a variety of sources, skills in critical analysis, critical judgement, synthesis and evaluation. Ability to conceptualise practice. Meets Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Standards for Practice.

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Clinical Teaching Plan
Compulsory Requirement: Submit assessment item - Must submit this assessment to pass the course.

Written Assignment: Teaching Philosophy
Compulsory Requirement: Submit assessment item - Must submit this assessment to pass the course.

Quiz: Quiz
Compulsory Requirement: Submit assessment item - Must submit this assessment to pass the course.

Contact hours

Trimester 2 - 2024 - Callaghan

Online Activity-1
  • Online 2 hour(s) per week(s) for 12 week(s) starting in week 1
Self-Directed Learning-1
  • Self-Directed 8 hour(s) per week(s) for 12 week(s) starting in week 1
  • Face to Face On Campus 2 hour(s) per week(s) for 12 week(s)

Trimester 2 - 2024 - Online

Online Activity-1
  • Online 2 hour(s) per week(s) for 12 week(s) starting in week 1
Self-Directed Learning-1
  • Self-Directed 8 hour(s) per week(s) for 12 week(s) starting in week 1

Course outline