Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


Performers, composers and producers in the 21st century need to be adaptable to different contexts and inventive with their performance and repertoire. This course focuses on arrangement, orchestration, reinterpretation and repertoire creation, using traditional and non-traditional approaches to music and sound making.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 2 - 2023.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate skills in score organisation and analysis.

2. Apply knowledge of instrumental and vocal characteristics.

3. Manipulate timbre and/or texture, structure and sound using score and/or technology based processes.

4. Rearrange existing repertoire into new contexts.

5. Compare and evaluate stylistic differences.


Topic include:

  • orchestration and arrangement
  •  instrumental characteristics
  • sound and acoustics
  • digital manipulation
  • repertoire re-interpretation and invention.


Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assumed knowledge

MUSI2731 or an advanced understanding of harmony.

Assessment items

Portfolio: Creative and Analytical Tasks

Case Study / Problem Based Learning: Instrumentation Study

Project: Major Arrangement with Associated Musical Analysis

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.