Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


3000 level

Course handbook


Basic properties of bulk solids and particulates and basic concepts used to design bulk solids handling and processing equipment are presented based on the problems from industry.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 1 - 2022.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Construct flow property graphs from lab test data

2. Interpret flow property data to complete conceptual design of mass flow bin, funnel flow bin and stockpile design

3. Determine stress distribution within a particulate system in symmetrical silos and bins

4. Compute feeder and gate loads for defined cases

5. Undertake conceptual design of dilute phase pneumatic conveying systems


The following topics are studied in the course:

  1. Flow property determination of Bulk Materials
  2. Bulk material testing and characterisation techniques
  3. Introduction to gravity flow of bulk solids
  4. Basic concepts in mass, funnel and expanded flow bin design
  5. Segregation and blending of particles
  6. Single phase flow theory for use in pneumatic conveying
  7. Basic concepts in pneumatic conveying

Assumed knowledge

MECH2420 Engineering Mechanics; MECH2110 Mechanical Engineering Design 1.

Assessment items

Report: Assignment 1

Report: Assignment 2

Report: Assignment 3

Report: Tutorial Assignments

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.