Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


6000 level

Course handbook


The legal issues which arise during the life cycle of a renewable energy project will be explored in the innovative context of a specialist legal clinic where students will work, under supervision, on legal advice and resources to benefit the community or start-up organisations who are engaged in the renewable energy sector and who do not have the current capacity to pay for specialised legal assistance. The School of Law and Justice will call for expressions of interest from organisations interested in participating in the clinic prior to the commencement of the course and this EOI process will be publicised by relevant industry news sites and peak body social media. To support the work integrated learning experience, students will engage in online and in class learning focused on relevant aspects of the legal and policy framework which applies to renewable energy projects. The course will also give students the opportunity to practically apply the legal knowledge acquired in core courses such as property law and contract law.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Summer 2 - 2022.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Explain and critique the specialised, complex and integrated body of laws and policies that govern renewable energy projects.

2. Identify and articulate complex concepts in renewable energy law;

3. Identify sectors of the community that require support to better engage in the renewable energy sector and justify why that support is needed.

4. Design and create a practical resource that provides value to an organisation or sector of the community that requires support to engage


Topics in this course include:

  1. Legislative and policy tools for promotion and regulation of renewable energy;
  2. Technology specific legislation and policy framework;
  3. The National Energy Retail Law;
  4. Property, planning and construction law issues associated with renewable energy projects;
  5. Impact of competition and consumer protection laws on renewable energy agreements;
  6. Project financing agreements for renewable energy projects.
  7. Energy regulation in other countries and its impact on renewable energy market


Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Juris Doctor/Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (JD) [12334]

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Diploma of Legal Practice [12347]

Assumed knowledge

LAWS6000, LAWS6001, LAWS6120, LAWS6121, LAWS6130, LAWS6140, LAWS6141 (or equivalents)

Assessment items

Presentation: Presentation on the laws and policies that affect renewable energy projects

Online Learning Activity: Assessment Task

Portfolio: Work Portfolio

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.