Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


6000 level

Course handbook


International trade is a crucial part of the Australian economy. Today, more than two-thirds of all transnational trade is conducted by multinational corporations; at the same time, well over 90% of Australia's import and export trade in goods takes place by sea. International Trade Law and Maritime Law are central to managing this trade. This course will focus on the international organisations and rules that regulate international trade, including the rules of the World Trade Organisation, the international agreements regulating trade in goods, and maritime law. The material covered by this course is relevant for students interested in working in commercial law in Australia, as well as those planning to practice law internationally.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 1 - 2020.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Apply an advanced and integrated knowledge of the legal framework for international trade law and maritime law, in the areas covered during the course.

2. Identify and evaluate relevant issues in international trade law and maritime law, and apply legal doctrine to solve related problems.

3. Perform advanced critical analysis on relationships between on the one hand international trade law and maritime law, and on the other hand broader social, political, and economic issues inherent in globalisation.

4. Create an advanced analytic framework for understanding the impact of global value chains on issues of international trade law and maritime law.

5. Conduct high-level legal research, engaging with primary and secondary materials, and providing critical analysis of problems and questions, including effective and efficient persuasive strategies.

6. Prepare and present cogent arguments, orally and in writing, and make critical, productive contributions to class debate and discussion.


The course will provide a broad overview of the law that regulates international trade at both a private and a public level.   We will look at a range of topics, including:

  • Globalisation and its consequences
  • Sources of international trade law
  • The role of the World Trade Organisation and its agreements
  • Laws relating to the carriage of goods by sea
  • Contracts for the international sale of goods; and
  • Resolving international trade disputes.

We will be joined by a range of guests who work in international trade law.


Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Bachelor of Aboriginal Professional Practice/Bachelor of Laws(Honours) [12343]

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12340]

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40150]

Bachelor of Biomedicine/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40280]

Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40036]

Bachelor of Coastal and Marine Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40279]

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40037]

Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12342]

Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40272]

Bachelor of Development Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40130]

Bachelor of Global Indigenous Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40188]

Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40129]

Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12348]

Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40290]

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12346]

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40189]

Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12341]

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Diploma of Legal Practice [12347]

Master of Laws [12333]

Juris Doctor/Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (JD) [12334]

Bachelor of Media and Communication/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [50005]

Assumed knowledge

Students will benefit from having studied Legal System and Method, Torts, Property, Contracts and Civil Procedure in their earlier legal studies.

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Choice of Research Essay OR exam

In Term Test: 2 x online quizzes

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.