Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


6000 level

Course handbook


This course provides an advanced and integrated analysis of the international legal regimes surrounding human use of air and space. The first module, International Air Law, provides an examination of air law at the international level. This module examines the fundamental principles governing international civil aviation as found in the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation 1944. The course also examines key issues relating to international air law including; composition and operation of the International Civil Aviation Organisation; the liability regime established under the Warsaw Convention 1929; development of aviation insurance; and legal issues relating to criminal activity onboard international flights. The second module, International Space Law, examines the international legal regime relating to activities in or involving outer space. The course will provide specialized knowledge of key United Nations sponsored treaties relating to outer space and the legal rules and principles relating to space objects and commercial and military use of outer space.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Summer 3 - 2017.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate advanced and integrated knowledge of the key principles, rules and institutions relating to the international air and space law.

2. Apply specialised knowledge of the key rules and legal policy issues relating to the international law regimes on civil aviation, aviation insurance, liability for aviation risks and criminal activity during international air travel.

3. Demonstrate advanced knowledge of the key international treaties relating to outer space and their legal status in international law.

4. Analyse the key rules and policy issues relating to the space objects, commercial use of outer space and the use of outer space for military purposes.

5. Critically evaluate the current status and effectiveness of the key treaties, rules and institutions of international air and space law.


The topics in this course include the following:

  1. The Chicago Convention and the Fundamental Principles of International Air Law.
  2. Carriers" Liability under the Warsaw Convention
  3. Liability Insurance in Aviation
  4. Legal Regime Governing Crimes on Aircraft
  5. United Nations Treaties on Outer Space
  6. Outer Space, Astronauts and Space Objects
  7. Commercial Use of Outer Space and International Law
  8. Military Use of Outer Space and International Law


Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Master of Laws [12333]

Juris Doctor/Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice (JD) [12334]

Master of Environmental Law [40141]

Assumed knowledge


Assessment items

Participation: Class Participation

Presentation: Presentation

Quiz: Online Quizzes

Written Assignment: Take home assignment

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.