Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


5000 level

Course handbook


This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the nature of crime, theories of crime, the purpose and aims of the criminal justice system, policing and law enforcement, victims of the criminal justice system, and the relationship between human rights and the criminal justice system. Through the medium of a student conference, students will develop and practice skills in legal and interdisciplinary research and writing, presentation and critique.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 2 - 2016.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts and principles of the criminal law and associated theory;

2. Demonstrate an informed ability to critically analyse and evaluate criminal law, theory and policy;

3. Demonstrate the ability to prepare, formulate and execute a research project on a relevant topic informed by scholarly literature;

4. Demonstrate an advanced command of professional and scholarly writing in the context of criminal law;

5. Demonstrate the ability to undertake doctrinal and interdisciplinary research;

6. Demonstrate high level communication skills.


This course includes but is not limited to the following topics:

1. Introduction: Understanding Crime and Interdisciplinary Research

2. Classic and Contemporary Theories of Crime and Governance

3. Aims of the Criminal Justice System

4. The Distribution of Crime in Populations

5. Crime and the Media

6. Inequalities of Crime and Victimisation

7. Crimes of Violence

8. Eco-crime

9. White Collar and Corporate Crime

10. Crime Prevention and Reduction

11. Surveillance  



Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Bachelor of Aboriginal Professional Practice/Bachelor of Laws(Honours) [12343]

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12340]

Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40150]

Bachelor of Biomedicine/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40280]

Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40036]

Bachelor of Coastal and Marine Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40279]

Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40037]

Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12342]

Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40272]

Bachelor of Development Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40130]

Bachelor of Global Indigenous Studies/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40188]

Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40129]

Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12348]

Bachelor of Psychological Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40290]

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12346]

Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [40189]

Bachelor of Social Science/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [12341]

Bachelor of Laws (Honours)/Diploma of Legal Practice [12347]

Bachelor of Media and Communication/Bachelor of Laws (Honours) [50005]

Assumed knowledge

LAWS1001A, LAWS1001B, LAWS1002A, LAWS1002B, LAWS2003A, LAWS2003B, LAWS3004A, LAWS3004B (or equivalents), LAWS4001, LAWS4011.

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Conference Abstract

Written Assignment: Research paper OR Poster Presentation

Formal Examination: Formal Exam

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.