Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


1000 level

Course handbook


This course will explore the essential skills needed to survive and succeed at university, including understanding assessments and their rubrics, researching and evaluating sources, and understanding referencing conventions. This course will cover time management, planning, and study skills and familiarise students with the university’s support systems. Fundamental numeracy skills which are critical for studies in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) will also be covered. These include an understanding of and competence in the skills of numeracy, arithmetic, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio and scale measurement, units of measurement and basic concepts of statistics.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 2 - 2024.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Analyse an assignment question and interpret a rubric

2. Search an online library catalogue, evaluate the reliability of a source and create a reference list.

3. Demonstrate a sound knowledge and an understanding of numbers and arithmetic.

4. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of mathematics relevant to STEM degrees.

5. Identify different data sets and interpret tables and graphs.

6. Apply basic mathematical and statistical concepts to real world problems.


Academic skills 

  • Time management, study skills and planning, note-taking, brainstorming and mind mapping
  • Analysing an assignment question and interpreting a rubric
  • Searching an online library catalogue, evaluating source reliability, referencing, and academic integrity

Numeracy skills

  • Numeracy, place value, arithmetic algorithms, mental arithmetic, order of operations, directed numbers
  • Fractions, decimals and percentage calculations and approximation of numbers
  • Calculator use, ratio and scale measurement
  • Scientific notation, units of measurement, prefixes, unit conversions

Statistical skills

  • Basic concepts of statistics, frequency distributions, tables and graphs
  • Measures of centre or 'averages', identifying the different data types
  • Constructing and interpreting tables and graphs from a set of data
  • Calculating the mode, median and the mean from a set of data
  • Measures of variability, standardising data- z scores


Program Enrolment Rule:

Available to students in the following program(s):

Diploma in Science [40318]

Diploma in Environmental Science [40319]

Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assessment items

Quiz: Quizzes on academic skills, maths, statistics

In Term Test: Mid-Semester Test

Formal Examination: Final Examination

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.