Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


2000 level

Course handbook


This courses focuses on the development of pre-service teachers' scientific literacy. Using a multiliteracies framework, the course explores scientific knowledge as represented in written, graphic, and digital forms. It aims to assist students to make connections between scientific knowledge as generated through disciplined inquiry, and questions derived from their everyday experiences. It will assist teachers to represent and communicate scientific ideas, understandings and information; and to teach scientific concepts competently to their future students.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Semester 1 - 2021.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. An understanding of the competing definitions of scientific literacy;

2. An understanding of the multimodal forms of scientific communication;

3. A knowledge of a wide range of practices and texts supporting the development of scientific literacy;

4. An understanding of how scientific knowledge may be related to students' everyday lives;

5. An ability to engage in discourse of and about science;

6. A capacity to evaluate the quality of scientific information on the basis of its source and the methods used to generate it.

7. A capacity to design instruction that challenges alternative conceptions of scientific phenomena.


  1. The Multiliteracies Framework.
  2. Constructs of Scientific literacy.
  3. Subject specific vocabulary, metalanguage, and language structures and features of scientific discourse.
  4. Pedagogies for developing the scientific literacy of young children.
  5. Pedagogical approaches for challenging alternative conceptions of scientific phenomena.


Enrolment in this course is dependent on meeting the Teacher Education Admission Milestone which requires meeting at least one of the following criteria:

- Three HSC Band 5s (including one in English), or

- Successful completion of 80 units of courses at the University of Newcastle, or

- Regulatory authority approved comparable pathways, or

- Commencement in the program prior to 2016.

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Critical Analysis

Presentation: Presentation

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.