Not currently offered
Course code



10 units


6000 level

Course handbook


Introduces students to the concepts, theory and practice of digital video in contemporary media environments. The course aims to develop student's understanding of the historical, social and creative contexts that contribute to digital video practice through readings and tutorials. Students will explore production and post-production processes, methods and techniques. The study will include the analysis and critique of contemporary digital video content, together with theoretical and practical projects designed to explore the creative potential of digital video production.


Not currently offered.

This Course was last offered in Trimester 1 - 2022.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Have developed an understanding of the historical, social and creative contexts, production, platforms, genre and uses of digital video within contemporary media practice;

2. Have gained knowledge and skills in planning, developing and editing digital video and of different files and formats;

3. Be able to produce creative digital video content suitable for use in a variety of platforms and media contexts;

4. Be able to critically appraise their own and the work of others.


This course will explore the production of digital video content.Topics will be drawn, as appropriate, from:

  1. Digital video: the meeting place between cinema, video and digital media.
  2. Readings and essays on the history, social, cultural and creative contexts of digital video
  3. Composing with digital images and sounds
  4. Narrative and non-narrative structure and genre
  5. Understanding context: cross media and interactive media
  6. Digital video terminology, files and formats
  7. Project concept brief, pre-production, development and planning
  8. Production and post production processes, editing and mixing
  9. Digital special effects and compositing
  10. Production and analysis: platforms, context, exhibition and uses for digital video  


Course Replacement:

You cannot enrol if you have successfully completed any of the following course(s):


Assumed knowledge

The course will assume that students have no previous knowledge of this field of study; however, it is assumed that students have a basic level of computer literacy.

Assessment items

Written Assignment: Essays/Written Assignments

Journal: Journal

Project: Project - 1A Mobile Filmmaking Exercise

Project: 1B Major Practical Project Part I - Preproduction Paperwork

Project: 1B Part II -Major Practical Project

Course outline

Course outline not yet available.