HDR program

Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to change the research topic, degree program or award level. You should discuss any potential change with your supervisory team before initiating the process.

International candidates: please note that the International Sanctions Compliance Assessment is a requirement for all research topic changes.

Change of research topic

Research topic changes must be processed using the Change of Research Topic form. Approval is required by the supervisor. The form must then be submitted to Graduate Research at graduate-research@newcastle.edu.au, who will arrange for approval by the Head of School.

Note that a change of your research topic may warrant a change in supervision and/or transfer of program.

Transfer of degree program

A sideways degree program transfer usually occurs when there has been a major change of research topic. The Transfer of Program form must be completed in all instances. Approval is required by the supervisor. The form must then be submitted to Graduate Research at graduate-research@newcastle.edu.au, who will arrange for approval by the Head of School.

Candidates who transfer into a new program must be confirmed at that program level (MPhil or PhD). It is recommended that transfers of program are undertaken as part of the confirmation year process.

If required, you should also make supervisory changes at the same time as transferring your degree program.