
Your enrolment takes place in myHub, which is accessed by logging into myUni .

For your first enrolment you will be asked to complete some mandatory tasks, such as updating your contact details and accepting the terms and conditions, before you may proceed. If you have any conditions attached to your enrolment these must also be cleared before you may proceed.

International students will enrol for the first time at their scheduled Meet and Greet session. All subsequent enrolments can be completed individually, either on or off-campus.

Please note that you will be able to enrol up to two weeks before your start date (which is stated in your offer letter). You have until two weeks after your start date to complete the enrolment process.

The step-by-step enrolment process are as described in the Re-enrolment Guide.

You will then be asked to confirm or change your start date. The default start date will be the date that appears on your letter of offer. You can change this date to an actual start date providing that date is within 2 weeks (either side) of the current date. If your start date is further away than this but within the current semester, you will have to return to myHub closer to that date to complete your enrolment.

For help with your enrolment please contact Graduate Research. If your query is of a technical nature please contact IT Services on 02 492 17000. If the process has been completed correctly you will see a green tick in the status box.

Ongoing students must then re-enrol at the start of each academic year. Detailed instructions on how to re-enrol are found in the Re-enrolment Guide.