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The Adolescent Brain: A second window of opportunity

Advances in neuroscience reveal that the adolescent brain is still a work in progress, offering a crucial second window of opportunity to influence the development of children in their second decade of life.

How Multitasking Depletes Your Brain's Resources And How to Restore Concentration

Multitasking is a myth, says McGill University Psychology Professor Daniel Levitin. Switching concentration across tasks comes at a neurological cost, depleting chemicals we need to concentrate.

Building Core Capabilities for Life

Exploring the development and use of core capabilities — known as executive function and self-regulation skills — from early childhood into adolescence and adulthood.

What is the most important influence on child development?

If you could do one thing - the most important thing - to influence the life of a young child, what would that be?

Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise

What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! Neuroscientist Suzuki discusses the science of how working out boosts your mood and memory and protects your brain against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's.

Don't steal our kids' childhood

Multilingualism is increasingly important in the globalised world. Children’s brains are born able to learn any language. Childhood is precisely the right time to learn a second language, as it become increasingly difficult with age.

Run, Jump, Learn! How Exercise can Transform our Schools

Dr John J Ratey, an internationally recognized expert in the brain-exercise connection, demonstrates how we can raise test scores, lower behavioural problems, and help the overall well-being of today's students with fitness based physical education.

Getting it Right for Every Child

As the modern world continues down the path of automation, there are fewer jobs for undereducated people. The countries performing the best in education have recently re-invested in teacher’s professional development and classroom ratio numbers.

TEDx: Charles Hillman: Exercise and Academic Achievement

Professor Charles Hillman of Northeastern University talks about the surprising links between exercise, intelligence and aging - how a fit child is a smarter one, but also the concerning decline in physical activity in the current generation of children.

Sir Ken Robinson delivers The Cohan Lecture 2016

The internationally renowned creative champion, Sir Ken Robinson discusses why he believes dance is as important as maths in education.

Child Development Core Story, Part 3: Stress

University of Minnesota Institute of Child Development video, looking at the causes of stress, and what happens to a child’s brain in these circumstances

The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate society

A video documenting how the power of emotions is used to create a more effective and compassionate society in schools.

Sir Ken Robinson on Student-centered learning - Big Bang conference 2016

In Creative Schools, Sir Ken shares out his learning so that we might all become better educators by exposure. Here he discusses his main arguments on student centered learning at the Key note for the Big Bang annual conference

‘Assembly of the child’ Ted Talk by Kate Gallagher

Educational psychologist Kathleen Gallagher discusses how investing in high quality early childhood programs, especially for children whose families live in poverty, can transform the wellbeing of entire communities

In brief: the science of neglect

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University explains why significant deprivation is so harmful in the earliest years of life and suggest effective interventions that pay significant dividends in better long-term outcomes

TED Talk: Anthony Goldbloom: The jobs we'll lose to machines - and the ones we won't

Machine learning isn't just for simple tasks like assessing credit risk and sorting mail anymore — today, it's capable of far more complex applications, like grading essays and diagnosing diseases.

‘Use it or lose it’: sprouting and pruning of neural connections in the adolescent brain

Expand Ed Schools 2013 annual report, highlighting the intersection of neuroscience and education, and how helping kids thrive in middle school is crucial to their success (watch to 0:50).

Believe in Your Maths Potential – Set Yourself Free

Jo Boaler explains why mathematics is so traumatic for many people and shows a different way that people can relate to mathematics. She also shares the latest brain science to show the ways our brains process mathematics and the importance of self-belief.

The Divided Brain

Psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist describes the differences between the left and right halves of the human brain.

School behavioral issues

Professor John Fischetti, Acting Pro Vice-Chancellor, at the University of Newcastle, discusses school behavioral issues and what can be done to rectify the situation at the societal level.

In brief: the foundations of life long health

The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child and the National Forum on Early Childhood Policy and Programs co-authored a report, "The Foundations of Lifelong Health Are Built in Early Childhood".

EDU Talks: Difference Not Deficit

Professor Katherine Lewis tells her story of overcoming a learning disability to explore how to help students with disabilities learn math, by devising ingenious methods to figure out the right answer.

Inclusive Education - Education Equity Now

Education systems that consciously aim to be inclusive and celebrate differences are integral to creating cohesive societies with good health and employment.

How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard

Linda Cliatt-Wayman’s first day as principal at a failing high school in North Philadelphia, she was determined to lay down the law. But she soon realized the job was more complex than she thought.

Induction for Beginning Teachers

Strong induction for early career teachers helps turn the foundational skills and potential of a new graduate, into the confidence, professional understanding and diverse skills that make a proficient teacher.

How to acknowledge Indigenous holistic views of the world

Uncle Ernie Grant shares his experience as an Indigenous educator and how Indigenous education needs to be approached in a different manner to non-Indigenous teaching.

Jo Boaler: The Brain Science On Growth Mindset

There has been new evidence from brain science that shows we can transform mathematics learning and erase gender and equity gaps. Jo Boaler talks about her website that provides useful resources and information for educators and parents.

Carol Dweck: Developing a Growth Mindset

Carol is a leading expert in the field of motivation. Her research has demonstrated the role of mindsets in students’ achievement and has shown how praise for intelligence can undermine motivation and learning.

Alberta Family Wellness: Toxic Stress

This video explains how negative experiences in childhood can impose large costs on brain health and development later in life.

Journal Paper

Seeing as Understanding: The Importance of Visual Mathematics for our Brain and Learning.pdf

We urgently need to expand the ways we think about mathematics and to teach it as the visual and multidimensional subject that it is.

The effects of principals perceived instructional and distributed leadership practices on their perceptions of school climate.pdf

Principals can establish mutual respect and trust among staff by exercising effective instructional and distributed leadership practices.

Preparing preservice teachers for bilingual and bicultural classrooms in an era of political change.pdf

Four foundations considered non-negotiable in preparing all teachers to embrace language and culture as the cornerstone from which to build anti-racist, anti-biased, and asset-oriented classroom communities.

Freedom and Constraint in Teacher Education Reflections on Experiences Over Time.pdf

How teacher education programs in Australia increasingly comply with new and narrowing accountabilities to be approved by diverse regulatory authorities and accredited.

Reflections on Neuroscience in Teacher Education.pdf

The importance of neuroscience knowledge in teacher education programs in terms of deepening pedagogical content knowledge from multiple perspectives

Natural-Born Arguers: Teaching How to Make the Best of Our Reasoning Abilities.pdf

Argumentation can be effective not only in simple reasoning tasks but also in a wide variety of contexts. For education in general, and critical thinking education in particular, an important cognitive mechanism to consider is reasoning.

Equity Issues in Teaching and Teacher Education.pdf

Investigating the need to create educational structures, processes, and strategies that disrupt the reproduction of persistent patterns of inequality across social differences.

Deciphering the magic of community school leadership

By weaving the threads of knowledge, skills, and dispositions into a leadership tapestry focused on meeting high standards, leaders can transform their schools and communities.

Leadership Matters: Teachers’ Roles in School Decision Making and School Performance.pdf

Both instructional leadership and teacher leadership are strongly related to the performance of schools.

The Changing Context of Teaching and Implications for Teacher Education.pdf

The importance of shifting the traditional content and pedagogical knowledge focus in teaching to focusing on training teachers as community-based facilitators of students’ holistic development.

The Importance of Community Knowledge in Learning to Teach.pdf

Foregrounding Māori Cultural Knowledge to Support Preservice Teachers' Development of Culturally Responsive Practice

Reframing Teacher Education for Learning Equity.pdf

Reinventing teacher education around the emerging knowledge bases about learning and the profound role teachers play in addressing issues of equity and student success in a rapidly changing world.

New Visuality in Art Science A Pedagogy of Connection for Cognitive Growth and Creativity.pdf

Investigating the connections of neuroscience and learning with the pedagogy of “new visuality”

Teaching Across the Grades Dispositions of Ideally Competent Teachers.pdf

Discusses the perceived relative importance of a wide range of teacher characteristics and identified characteristics thought to be necessary for successful teaching at all levels: primary, intermediate, and high school.

Perceptions of Social Justice Among the South Asian and Mainstream Chinese Youth from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds in Hong Kong.pdf

Reporting on research about adolescents’ perceptions of social justice across numerous student groups, focusing on attitudes of gender equality, racial/ethnic equality, and immigrants’ rights in Hong Kong.

The Effects of Acute Exercise on Mood, Cognition, Neurophysiology, and Neurichemical Pathways: A Review.pdf

Basso and Suzuki’s review summarises the cognitive and behavioral changes that occur with acute exercise in humans, with results showing three consistent cognitive/behavioural effects of a single bout of exercise in humans.

Child development key points from Harvard Centre on the Developing Child

Recent advances in the science of early childhood development and its underlying biology provide a deeper understanding that can inform and improve existing policy and practice

Effect of severe stress on early brain development, attachment and emotions

Severe stress in the form of child abuse or neglect during early infancy may have serious, long-lasting effects on a person’s brain development, affecting future manifestations of negative emotions, maladaptive behaviours, and conflictual attachments.

Good beginnings - Getting it right in the early years.pdf

A report prepared for the Lowitja Institute reviewing evidence on the importance of a healthy start to life and on interventions to promote good beginnings

Science Supports Education - Psychology's Top 20 Principles for Enhancing Teaching and Learning.pdf

Developed by the American Psychological Association’s Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education, noting the major implications for educational practice that follow from the principles.

Student Engagement in Assessments: What Students and Teachers Find Engaging

Based on interviews of study participants, six qualities students and teachers perceive to be engaging in assessments are explored; relevance, authenticity, autonomy, collaboration, higher order thinking skills, and self-assessment.

Visual Art Education - At the Crossroads of Art, Science and Spatial Learning.pdf

Can engaging with concepts from science and expressing them through visual artistic forms enhance learning about the self and the world? This idea is explored through a small selection of visual art students from local schools in regional Australia.

The Episodic Nature of Experience.pdf

Understanding how people isolate when events occurred is fundamental to our understanding of episodic memory and provides insight into the mechanisms by which people conceptualize time more generally.

Our Future: A Lancet commission on adolescent health and wellbeing.pdf

Despite making up around a third of the population in many countries, adolescents and young adults are generally overlooked in health and social policies. The neglect has resulted in limited service development, and low human and technical capacities.

In brief: The Science of Resilience

Not all children experience lasting harm as a result of adverse early experiences. Some may demonstrate ‘resilience’, or an adaptive response to serious hardship.

Advocacy Kit for Promoting Multilingual Education

How to promote bi/multilingual education, focusing on Asia, in the areas of policy and practice, policy makers, programme implementers and community members.

Teachers Make a Difference: What is the research evidence?

John Hattie identifies the relative power of the teacher and reflects on the qualities of excellence among teachers, mainly linked to a study undertaken in the classroom of America’s very best teachers.

A Comparative Study of Teacher Preparation and Qualifications in Six Nations.pdf

This brief summarizes the results from a collaborative, comparative study of the qualifications of elementary and secondary teachers from: United States, Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, and Japan.

Preparing Teachers and Developing School Leaders for the 21st Century.pdf

What are the skills that young people demand in this rapidly changing world and what competencies do teachers need to effectively teach them? How do countries succeed in developing 21st century school leaders?

Measuring the Developing Dispositions of Pre-service and Beginning Teachers.pdf

Paper by the Center for Research on Teaching and Learning, New York University focusing on the importance of developing two key dispositional dimensions of quality teachers: teaching efficacy and caring.

Innovation in Teacher Education within a Global Context.pdf

Teacher Education must target skills for the 21st Century and address the needs of a knowledge society. WFATE attempts to make an international effort to build educational and cultural capacity for innovation at all educational and socioeconomic levels.


Centre for Evidence and Implementation (CEI) has reviewed studies from around the world covering implementation in schools, concerned about how programs can often look fundamentally different in the classroom than intended by the developers.

8 Aboriginal Ways of Learning.pdf

Pedagogy framework that allows teachers to include Aboriginal perspectives by using Aboriginal learning techniques.

Leaps of faith: Parents’ and professionals’ viewpoints on preparing adolescents on the autism spectrum for leaving school.pdf

Adolescents on the autism spectrum experience difficulty transitioning from secondary school to post-school activities, often due to transition planning processes that do not meet their unique needs.

Problems with the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers.pdf

The Economic Policy institute is concerned about claims that measuring teachers’ effectiveness largely by student test scores will lead to improved student achievement.

What training do teachers need: Why theory is necessary to good teaching

Teachers need educational theory because they must understand what they are doing and why they are doing it, and must be able to think intelligently about how to do it better.

Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention by Communities to Promote Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health in Children.pdf

Communities provide the context in which programs, principles and policies are implemented. Their needs dictate the kinds of programs that community organizers and advocates, program developers and researchers will bring to bear on a problem.

Building Resilience The Power to Cope With Adversity.pdf

Many children face adversity- this document outlines two important ways that early childhood professionals can help parents and young children foster resilience and cope with adversity, include identifying strengths and building on resources.

Stabilizing Children's Lives: Insights for Research and Action.pdf

Urban Institute report outlining instability in the lives of children: why it happens, who it affects and how, and what can be done to help families, communities, and public institutions stabilize children’s lives and promote their healthy development.

Initial teacher education What does it take to put equity at the centre.pdf

Academics from the US and New Zealand argue there are four essential tasks to make equity central to teacher education, including defining practice for equity, and creating curricula and structures that are equity-centred.

Questioning special needs-ism: Supporting student teachers in troubling and transforming understandings of human worth.pdf

Multidisciplinary pedagogical tools that may facilitate engagement with student teachers, to trouble and transform hegemonic beliefs around special needs are explored, to highlight the role of emotion in realizing new understandings.

‘Low income doesn't mean stupid and destined for failure': Challenging the deficit discourse around students from low SES backgrounds in higher education.pdf

A critical examination of deficit conceptions of students from low SES backgrounds, drawing on findings from qualitative interviews, challenges the deficit discourse and argues for a more affirmative and nuanced conception of these students.

Socioeconomic disparities in neurocognitive development in first two years of life.pdf

179 infants from socioeconomically diverse families were studied to find SES disparities in developmental trajectories of language and memory in children between 9 and 21 months.

Creative Arts: An Essential Element in the Teacher’s Toolkit When Developing Critical Thinking in Children.pdf

Critical thinking is a crucial skill, which needs to be developed in the school curriculum, through the creative arts. We explore the state of the Arts in the present Australian curriculum and discuss developing this awareness in pre-service teachers.

Learning and Memory Under Stress Implications for the Classroom.pdf

Recent evidence indicates that stress may hamper the updating of memories in the light of new information and induce a shift from a flexible, ‘cognitive’ form of learning towards rather rigid, ‘habit’-like behaviour.

Early Language Learning and the Social Brain.pdf

Patricia Kuhl’s research has demonstrated that infants learn rapidly and robustly from linguistic exposure, and that the timing and the context are both critical (2014).


Gonski’s new plan to reinvent Australian schools for the future has this one big flaw

"Gonski 2.0" review by Professor John Fischetti

Is there another way to think about schooling?

Alternative ways of thinking about schooling is made difficult by deeply entrenched and widely held conceptions of teaching, learning, assessing and reporting, parental expectations and government requirements.

Key OECD Indicators on Early Childhood Education and Care

For over 15 years, the OECD has been conducting policy analysis and gathering new data on ECEC. For the first time, this report brings together all the key ECEC indicators in one volume.

James Heckman: Why early investment matters

James Heckman explains the social benefits of investing in training teachers and children early on, such as reduced crime rates and a more skilled workforce

Individual differences in the learning potential of human beings

An NPJ science of learning paper that explores cognitive psychology models of memory, knowledge construction and information processing that attempt to explain how humans learn

Why Kids Need to Move, Touch and Experience to Learn

Educational examples of how physical activity is an essential factor in intellectual growth and what scientists are saying about the connection between the body and the brain

This Is Your Brain on Poverty

Data visualizations highlight the surprising connections between income and brain structure

The school curriculum: about time

Looking at a different approach of a time-free curriculum on establishing where individuals are in their long-term progress and targeting teaching and learning opportunities accordingly.

How Children's Social Competence Impacts their Well-Being in Adulthood

A 20-year retrospective study suggests that kindergarten students who are more inclined to exhibit “social competence” traits—such sharing, cooperating, or helping other kids—may be more likely to attain higher education and well-paying jobs

What neuroscience can tell us about making fractions stick

It is very hard for teachers to identify all the specific ways students differ from one another cognitively. A team of researchers at the Rotman Research Institute in Toronto have designed a video game that can help.

How emotional connections can trigger creativity and learning

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang tries to understand why emotions are so important to learning by examining what happens to brain functions.

Brain Development from Zero to Three

Learn more about the crucial role adults play in building a baby’s brain

Reform and the senior secondary school

Traditional ways of thinking about learning, assessment and educational qualifications are being challenged. This article looks at three challenges that the senior secondary school can expect to face.

How poverty affects the brain

USC neuroscientist Mary Helen Immordino-Yang has been tracking 73 low-income teens from South California in a five-year study designed to understand how culture, family relationships, exposure to violence and other factors shape the human mind.

Five numbers to remember about early childhood development

These five numbers illustrate the importance of early childhood to the learning, behavior, and health of later life and explain why getting things right the first time is easier and more effective than trying to fix them later

How parent-child communication from birth to age 3 sets the stage for lifelong success

What do babies need in order to learn and thrive? One thing they need is conversation — responsive, back-and-forth communication with their parents and caregivers

Bilingual babies benefit from learning faster

Six-month-olds who are brought up hearing more than one language show broad cognitive advantages compared to their monolingual peers

How sound experiences affect the brain

Nina Kraus, a biologist at Northwestern University, has researched important implications for how adults and children manage the sounds that envelop them

Screening mental health in Kindergarten is way too late, experts say

Rahil Briggs, a child psychologist, works at a health care center in the South Bronx in one of the poorest urban areas in the country and explains the signs to look out for that something is interfering with a babies learning

How domestic violence in one home affects every child in a class

Researchers estimate that between 10 and 20 percent of children are exposed to domestic violence each year. This article explores the repercussions that resonate in the classroom and suggests what can be done about it.

Learning through Play: Education does not stop when recess begins

Emily Deruy discusses the benefits of play for children

Diverse High Schools Successfully Implement Social Emotional Learning

Study by the Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy in Education addressing implementation of social emotional learning strategies for high school students in diverse racial, ethnic and socioeconomic contexts.

Defining the skills for success

New report signals the difference between executive function and other regulation-related skills

Understanding neglect

Why a caring relationship with an adult is so important to a child’s healthy development

John Hattie: What really makes a difference to a child’s ability?

Sarah Montague interviews John Hattie, on his longitudinal study on attainment and ability. His results reinforce the importance of teachers, but also offer some surprises for parent and teacher priorities.

Sarah-Jayne Blakemore on the adolescent brain

The cognitive neuroscientist tells Helen Amass that educators need to realise the brain is much more ‘plastic’ than they might have supposed.

What if we equipped every student with the tools to solve the world's most challenging problems?

In The Global Achievement Gap, Wagner offers seven “survival” skills for the 21st century, such as critical thinking and collaboration, which are described here in relation to preparing the next generation.

How does creativity help solve problems?

A group of people from the 2015 Aspen Ideas Festival, working in media, design, and the arts were asked about how the creative process can lend itself to unlocking solutions.

Melbourne school uses neuroscience to boost grades and improve wellbeing of students

ABC All in the Mind podcast discussing scientific evidence now being found about the role of attention and engagement in effective classrooms

Teaching teenagers to cope with social stress

An assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas has discovered an effective coping skill to help young teenagers avoid anxiety and depression by changing their beliefs to think that intelligence is malleable.

Mapping Creativity in the Brain: New research sheds some light on the neuroscience of improvising

What determines the creative path a person takes at any given moment? New research sheds some light on the neuroscience of improvising, with a focus on music.

Skills not measured by standardized testing are important to children's development

Former editor of The Boston Globe, Jeff Wagenheim, says his social-emotional skills veered between underappreciated and undeveloped at school- now he discusses why they should be a focus in schools.

Teaching traumatized kids

How one Lincoln teenager’s life and was turned around by her school’s commitment to ‘trauma-informed practices’, plus a discussion about New York-based charity ‘Turnaround for Children’ advising schools on the impact of adversity on learning.

Mental health in schools: a hidden crisis affecting millions of students

80 percent of school children need access to mental health services and aren’t receiving it. This article discusses what the role of different adults could look like, compared to what they currently do.

A New School Year Brings Renewed Focus On Attendance

An NprEd story about one elementary school in St Louis that found installing washing machines and opening up its doors to families has dramatically increased school attendance.

The Atlantic: The need to validate vocational interests

A high school English teacher reflects on integrating validating experiences into high school to help disengaged students recognize the virtue of their talents and pursue them.

Creativity in schools sounds good – so what’s the hitch?

Anne Harris from Monash University discusses how creativity is changing the way we think about the arts, pedagogy and publics – but why is it important and why do schools suddenly think they need it?

The Costs of Poverty

One third of 3- and 4-year-olds in the developing world are not meeting basic milestones. What can be done?

Talking Race, Controversy, and Trauma

How to open space for reflection and conversation with students, amid difficult events.

Researching Poverty’s Effects on Learning

An economist explains how a 10-percent increase in spending on instruction, support staff, smaller classes, higher teacher salaries and longer school years leads to an additional 0.3 years of education, particularly for low-income students.

For Military Kids- Resilience and Challenges

In this article and podcast, Second Lady Jill Biden and fellow teachers lead the drive to support the educational and social-emotional needs of military children.

Creating Mobility from Poverty: An Overview of Strategies

The assumption of readily available social mobility is embedded in the ‘American Dream’, however research has uncovered that it is not a particular strength in the US. Partners from Harvard University and the Urban Institute seek to understand why.

Can a child who starts kindergarten with few reading or math skills catch up?

This story follows one teacher’s efforts to help a Latino kindergarten child catch up through parent engagement.

How We Teach English Learners: 3 Basic Approaches

What's the best way to teach English without losing time on the content students need to learn? Decades of research point to three basic instructional models; English as a Second Language (ESL), Sheltered Instruction and the Dual-Language Model.

Positive school climates can narrow achievement gaps

Positive school climates contribute to academic achievement and can improve outcomes for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

Engaging the future of STEM

Engaging children in STEM is a global issue, and countries that are well advanced in STEM engagement tend to use embedded technologies rather than technology as an ‘add on’. The study suggests 8 approaches for promoting the participation of young people.

A place for a local element in the curriculum of every child

John Dunford, the chair of Whole Education, advocates for a combination of local elements as well as big international issues in the curriculum in order to best equip young people for a 21st century.

Cambridge Assessment: Perspectives on International Education

Global Education has been an objective of many nations and organisations for some time. Experts in the field come together to discuss how such a concept can work in the many varied cultural contexts that exist around the world.

What the best education systems are doing right

Both South Korea and Finland are hailed internationally for their extremely high educational outcomes. What can other countries learn from these two successful, but diametrically opposed, educational models?

Finland: Slow and Steady Reform for Consistently High Results

Finland is one of the world’s leaders in the academic performance of its secondary school students. Finnish schools seem to serve all students well, regardless of family background, socio-economic status or ability.

How to Thrive in the 21st Century

Educating a new generation of global citizens prepared to create, collaborate, and navigate the world’s complexities.

‘Not a Math Person’: How to Remove Obstacles to Learning Math

Stanford math education professor Jo Boaler explains how kids understand that unlike their other courses, math is a performative subject, where their job is to come up with answers quickly- if this approach doesn’t change, math’s education will weaken.

Individual differences in the learning potential of human beings

Nature Partner Journals (NPJ) reviewing research on human information processing and its potential in academic learning, combining psychometric intelligence research with the role of intelligence in modern societies and on the nature-nurture debate.

Beyond Basic Skills: The Role of Performance Assessment in Achieving 21st Century Standards of Learning

Linda Darling Hammond reports on new assessments will need to rely more heavily on what testing experts call performance measures, tasks requiring students to craft their own responses rather than merely selecting multiple-choice answers.

There’s Nothing Soft About These Skills

Former editor of The Boston Globe, Jeff Wagenheim, discusses why social-emotional skills that contribute to a student’s success, yet are not captured by standardised tests, should be a focus in schools.

Steps to Help Schools Transform to Competency-Based Learning

School districts that have seen success with this model discuss the groundwork for the change, the infrastructure that supports it and the reality of its implementation.

Feedback is one of the best tools in the classroom

Woonona Public School has implemented ‘feedback’ into student learning; a low-cost, highly-effective technique that research has shown can add eight months to a student’s learning progress.

Lifetime Effects: The HighScope Perry Preschool Study Through Age 40

This study — perhaps the most well-known of all HighScope research efforts — examines the lives of 123 children born in poverty and at high risk of failing in school.

Leading Learning 4 All

This interactive website, full of resources, is intended to initiate changes in your thinking and practice regarding students with disability and additional learning needs by promoting a ‘community of inclusive learning practice'.

How to close the opportunity Gap: Key Recommendations

The following recommendations are designed to meet students’ individual needs, at the level of in-school opportunities and resources, and at the level of communities and neighborhoods.

Problems with the use of test scores to evaluate teachers

Research to show what is now necessary is a comprehensive system that gives teachers the guidance and feedback, supportive leadership, and working conditions to improve their performance.

Evaluating teachers

Professor John Fischetti from Newcastle University talks about the issues with different approaches to teacher, school and system evaluation processes (from 30:38 mins)

Five new frameworks that can drive teacher education reform

We need a major revamp of teacher education from the inside out that actually changes the model to provide all children with the education that is right for them.

The One Type of Leader Who Can Turn Around a Failing School

Academics have studied 411 leaders over seven years, to find five types of leaders, but only one that was truly effective. If more of them can be identified, developed, and appointed, then the whole education system has potential to improve.

Flourish By Design

To develop students’ well-being, teachers have to think about their own.



Nan Bahr encourages educators to think about how fairness plays into the relationship between curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.