Radical Political Ecologies and Geographies

Prof Simon Springer

Political ecology is a loosely defined area of study encompassing a large number of approaches that more than a strictly defined academic field, describes a community of practice around politicizing the environment and environmental concerns. A radical positioning to this means we would do well to more thoroughly explore the domain of politics and ecology beyond the state, a provocation that does not mean that the state should be ignored. It remains critical to contest the ongoing violence of sovereignty, the divisive processes of othering that are made possible through discourses of ‘race’, ‘ethnicity’, and ‘nation’, and the seemingly endless wars that are fought under state banners. This ongoing work explores these thematic domains.


Mateer, J., Springer, S., and Locret-Collet, M. 2021. 'Introduction: the political ecology of resource and energy management beyond the state'. Energies Beyond The State: Anarchist Political Ecology and the Liberation of Nature. Springer, S., Locret-Collet, M., Mateer, J., Acker, M. Eds. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Mateer, J., Springer, S., Locret-Collet, M., and Acker, M. Eds. 2021. Energies Beyond The State: Anarchist Political Ecology and the Liberation of Nature. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Locret-Collet, Springer, S., M., Mateer, J., and Acker, M. Eds. 2021. Inhabiting the Earth: Anarchist Political Ecology for Alternative Urban Futures. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Springer, S., Mateer, J., and Locret-Collet, M. Eds. 2021. Undoing Human Supremacy: Anarchist Political Ecology in

the Face of Anthroparchy. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Springer, S., Mateer, J., Locret-Collet, M. 2021. 'Introduction: the political ecology of human supremacy'. Undoing Human Supremacy: Anarchist Political Ecology in the face of Anthroparchy. Springer, S., Mateer, J., and Locret-Collet, M.. Eds. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Springer, S., Locret-Collet, M., and Mateer, J.. 2021. 'Introduction: the political ecology of inhabiting the earth. Inhabiting the Earth: Anarchist Political Ecology for Landscapes of Emancipation. Springer, S., Locret-Collet, M., Mateer, J., Acker, M. Eds. London: Rowman & Littlefield.

Springer, S. 2017. 'Property is the mother of famine: dispossession, wages, and the threat of hunger'. Political Geography.

Springer, S. 2015. 'Radical political geographies'. The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Political Geography. Eds. Sharp, J., Agnew, J., Mamadouh, V., and Secor, A. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 206-219.

Springer, S. 2015. 'The fallout: invisible geographies beyond the liquid eye'. The Future of Theory: A Symposium on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Cultural, Social and Political Thought (CSPT) Program. Victoria, BC: CSPT University of Victoria.

Springer, S. 2014. 'War and pieces.' Space and Polity. 18(1): 85-96.