Taking Back the Economy

Associate Professor Jenny Cameron, Professor Katherine Gibson (Western Sydney University, WSU); Dr Stephen Healy (WSU)

This project is based on the 2013 publication of Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming our Communities (and the associated website). In 2014 the Korean translation was published (타자를위한경제는있다by Hwang Sung-won) and in 2017 the Spanish translation was published (Retomemos la Economía: Una Guía Ética para Transformar Nuestras Comunidades by Maria Juliana Florez. In April 2017, Jenny Cameron worked with the Finnish translator Eeva Talvikallio to update the case studies in the book (publication of Elävä Talous: Opas Eettiseen ja Kestävään Toimeentuloon is due in 2018).


Indicative Publications

J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron & Stephen Healy, 2016, ‘Commoning as a Postcapitalist Politics’, in Ash Amin and Philip Howell (eds) Releasing the Commons: Rethinking the Futures of the Commons, Routledge, London, Chapter 12, pp. 192-212.

J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron & Stephen Healy, 2015, ‘Ekonomiyi Geri Almaya Yönelik Performatif Pratikler’, (‘Performative Practices for Taking Back the Economy’, Translated: Remziye Alparslan), Demokratik Modernite, 11, 56-59.

J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron & Stephen Healy, 2014, ‘Authors’ response in the Book Symposium on Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities by J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy, Minneapolis; University of Minnesota Press, 2013’ Sociology 45(5), 1061-2.