Research Roadmaps

These research roadmaps were produced in consultation with industry partners to identify real, current and future industry priorities and challenges. These were then aligned with NIER capabilities and research intentions in the following documents. Each roadmap contains a series of essential actions necessary to achieve innovative scientific advances for these key industry sectors.

Energy Research Roadmap

Energy Research Roadmap

The Energy Research Roadmap offers guiding principles and initiatives to support priority research and research education activities relevant to the energy sector. It’s a renewed opportunity for University of Newcastle researchers to engage with the energy sector in important priority areas of clean energy solutions, low emission technologies, energy productivity and utilisation and energy integration.

Download the Energy Research Roadmap

Resources Research Roadmap

Resources Research Roadmap

The Resources Research Roadmap highlights the unique role the University of Newcastle is playing across the key priority areas of next generation resources for future mining, health, safety and environment, resource recovery and circular economy, and end-user functionality. This plan builds on University of Newcastle’s existing standing in applied research excellence for the resources sector, and underpins future strategic direction to lead capacity building initiatives that support industry as well as regional communities.

Download the Resources Research Roadmap

Food and Agribusiness Roadmap

Food and Agribusiness Roadmap

Food producers, manufacturers and farmers are under increasing pressure to reconcile a number of complex and competing challenges around quality and efficiency, health and environmental sustainability and food security. This framework offers recommendations for ways researchers and businesses can align and coordinate their efforts to increase and realise impact.

Download the Food and Agribusiness Roadmap

Water Research Roadmap

Water Research Roadmap

This Roadmap identifies the guiding principles and priority actions necessary to support a quality, sustainable water supply into the future. It proposes how the sector can adapt and respond to uncertainties in order to meet current and future water needs, sustain healthy communities, support regional economic prosperity and protect and restore ecosystems and biodiversity values.

Download the Water Research Roadmap

Pacific Roadmap

Pacific Roadmap

This Roadmap describes the partnership between the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and University and launches a research plan as the first step to deliver co-operative and sustainable solutions to complex challenges faced by Pacific island people in critical areas of environmental need and national priority.

Download the Pacific Roadmap