
This research aims to understand the physiologic changes that occur following traumatic brain injuries, and to promote translation of this knowledge into clinical practice. It utilises a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the biochemical, structural, and neural circuit basis of traumatic brain injuries, and their association with the development of later-life neurodegenerative and neurocognitive disorders.

The primary methods are brain imaging (MRI and ultrasonography), and the research focuses on the development of quantitative methods to analyse data from magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and brain perfusion studies (cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) and arterial spin labelling (ASL)).  The research goals are to discover Medical Imaging biomarkers for improved diagnosis, early detection (potentiating early intervention and possibly prevention), prediction of therapeutic response (targeted towards precision medicine), and development of novel therapies with the hope of improving (or augmenting) currently available treatments.

In recent times there has been a lot of publicity around the long term effects of concussion in sport.  While some research into the area has commenced, much more is required.  One aspect of the research is investigating concussion within Rugby League. Using accelerometers, transcranial Doppler and video to investigate forces and repercussions of concussion within current players.

Contact: Peter Stanwell or Sharmaine McKiernan

Dr Yolanda Surjan has identified the critical need for an expert-led movement to translate radiation oncology treatments from the human realm to the animal sphere. Dr Surjan is committed to collaborative research and has international affiliations with experts in the field of equine ophthalmology in the UK as well as working relationships with multiple experts in the field of radiation oncology and medical physics in oncology.

Contact: Yolanda Surjan

Dr Daphne James and Associate Professor Helen Warren-Forward are investigating the occupational radiation exposure to medical radiation practitioners in Australia, and the long term health effects from chronic low level ionising radiation exposure. There are over 15,000 registered medical radiation practitioners in Australia who are exposed to low level ionising radiation on daily basis in the course of their work. This research will report on the annual radiation doses received by medical radiation practitioners received over the past 15 years; changes in work practices which may have impacted on exposures; and any trends in the health of medical radiation practitioners.

Contact: Daphne James

AAA’s are known as silent killers as the person often does not know they have one until it ruptures and then it is too late.  Using ultrasound imaging we are screening the population at high risk of developing a AAA to aid in early treatment and prolonged life expectancy.

Contact: Sharmaine McKiernan