What is the Society, Health & Disability Research Network?

The Society, Health & Disability research network is an inter-disciplinary network conducting research to address issues of health, inequality, justice, and the sustainability of cities and communities. We look to partner with the health, justice, human services, education, advocacy and university sectors to build on community capacity-based strengths and values. We draw on the UN Sustainable Development Goals as guiding principles for our research.

Our Aim

Our aim is to transform policy and practice into better futures for the vulnerable, their communities and broader society.

What does it do?

The Society, Health & Disability research network combines the knowledge, experience and skills of individual researchers at the University of Newcastle to deliver improved health and ability outcomes for individuals, communities and societies. It provides an inter-disciplinary focus for project scoping and research funding applications (external and internal) on health and disability. It engages in consultancy and end-user focused research. We have expertise in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research approaches, including ethnography, interviews, surveys, focus groups, archival methods, participatory approaches, arts- and drama-based methods, program evaluation, social network analysis, policy analysis, action-research, discourse analysis, rapid reviews and systematic reviews.

Who is it for?

The Society, Health & Disability research network connects with agencies, NGOs and a range of external and internal researchers and HDRs with an interest in and/or expertise in research into population and community health, equity and social justice.We have a track record of successful consultancies and competitively funded projects in a wide range of areas relating to health and disability, health services and health professions education.