Gifting Day 2022

Monday, 20 September 2021

It’s a gift to bring together passionate people who make our world a better place.

Gifting Day

And so, in the first quarter of 2022, the University will hold its first ever Gifting Day – uniting supporters, friends and believers, from near and far to shape a better tomorrow.

Gifting Day will empower our community of supporters to come together and make significant change for important causes, not only in our local communities, but potentially on a global scale.

The projects that you can support and raise awareness for are guided by four themes:

  • Connected Communities
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Life-Changing Research
  • A Sustainable Tomorrow

Stay tuned as we announce all the ways you can make an impact on Gifting Day!

To learn more about this exciting campaign, or to join our community of Gifting Day Ambassadors, visit or contact Bec Stone on 02 4921 8612 or

Read more stories featured in the GiftDownload your copy of the Gift