Amy completed her Nursing degree in 2017 with no idea of what area of Nursing she wanted to continue into. After finding a passion for Primary Care Nursing in custodial environment, undertaking the Graduate Certificate in Custodial Health was her next step.

“I was drawn to the uniqueness in addressing the health concerns of our patient cohort and courses covering subjects that would normally be covered by specialty nursing services,” Amy says.

Working as an RN, Amy was seeking a pathway to increase her opportunities and take her passion of healthcare to greater career heights.

“After commencing work in the custodial environment, I knew this was an area that I was interested in and wanted to expand my knowledge, skills and experience. Undertaking postgraduate study in this area improved my knowledge to provide the most appropriate care to patients within this unique environment,” she said.

Amy recalls feeling anxious to return to studying years after completing her bachelor's degree.

“Returning to studying after several years away from the study environment, I decided to begin with the Graduate Certificate as a base and move into the master's if I felt I wanted to study further,” Amy said.

Since commencing her program, Amy appreciates the positive impact she is having on patients and continues to work towards her career goals.

“I enjoy being able to have a noticeably positive impact on the health and wellbeing of patients in the custodial environment,”

“My career goals are to continue in a leadership & management role & this course will allow me to provide the best support to my teams,” she said.

For those students questioning if they should jump back into study, Amy encourages them to create a balance in all aspects of life and study.

“Try to juggle study, life & work by implementing a plan and allocating time for each. I ensure that I am aware of upcoming assessments and social events to ensure I allocate appropriate time for each to ensure balance,” Amy said.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Graduate Certificate in Custodial Health at the University of Newcastle visit here.


Amy Loveday

Amy tells the story of her journey to Custodial Health and returning to study years after completing her bachelor's degree.

I was drawn to the uniqueness in addressing the health concerns of our patient cohort and courses covering subjects that would normally be covered by specialty nursing services