Financial Assistance

Incorporated within Financial Services is a Research Accounting team.  The staff within this group can assist you with journals,  financial acquittals/reporting, financial management of research grants, invoicing grants, budget line item (BLI) controls, financial support and guidance for research related G numbers.

For more information, please visit the enquiry page.

Contact number – +61 2 4055 3355 (general number for all research accounting)

Amanda Hampshire
Manager Business Partners (Research Funds)
Nigel Smith
Research Accountant
Nhung Ramadhana
Research Accountant
Samantha Bartley
Research Accountant
Rochelle Mowbray
Assistant Research Business Partner

3 easy steps to minimise the risk of unpaid invoices

Step 1: Credit Check

Financial Services can do a quick credit check after preliminary discussions with a new sponsor.  This check helps us to evaluate the sponsor’s ability to honour their financial obligations (award) and/or likelihood of not paying prior to executing an agreement:

a) Contact Accounts Receivable, Financial Services:

b)  With below information:

c)  Do you have a draft agreement? If so, please attach.

Step 2: Timely Invoicing

It’s important to confirm invoice milestones have been met with your funding partner prior to raising the invoice.

Research Accounting will prompt the Chief Investigator when invoice milestones are reached, these requests should be acknowledged promptly as where agreed milestones are not actioned, bad debt and deficit balances against the grant can develop.

Also, the Chief Investigator should notify Research Accounting when a milestone is completed and approved by the sponsor.

Step 3: Suspect Sponsor is Losing Ability to Pay Award

If at any stage of the grant’s life there is an indication that the Sponsor is in financial stress and/or may not be able to meet their financial obligations (award), then notify the Research Grants Office or Research Accounting immediately.

Early invention is key in minimising the risk of the money never being received.

Need Advice or Help?

There are various mechanisms that the University can deploy to assist Chief Investigators mitigate risks.

If you would like to discuss options, please contact:

Research Grants Office ( or +61 2 4921 7733)

Research Accounting (ServiceNow > Financial Services > Research Grants or +61 2 4055 3355)


Funding Conditions

It is a researcher's responsibility to ensure that funds are spent in accordance with any conditions governing the use of funds and for the approved project. If you require further information or clarification regarding the funding conditions please visit the enquiry page or phone +61 2 492 17733.

For assistance in arranging the payment of an invoice for services/consumables (e.g. for a supplier) please contact your School/Faculty assistant.