ARC Discovery Projects funding success

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Laureate Professor Jon Borwein, Dr Jeffrey Hogan and Professor Dr Russell Luke have been awarded more than $560,000 in ARC Discovery Project funding commencing in 2016 for their research project Relaxed reflection methods for feasibility and matrix completion problems.

Australian Research Council (ARC)

The project proposes to further develop the non-linear convergence theory, and to provide problem-specific implementations. Many applied and pure problems require solution of a large set of linear or nonlinear equations (or inequalities). Highly effective, parallelisable methods are based on iterated projection or reflection algorithms which aggregate information about individual equations. The theory is well developed in the linear case, but does not explain many important applications for which they are often highly successful (eg optical aberration correction, protein reconstruction, tomography, compressed sensing). The project also plans to provide heuristics to help explain why an algorithm performs well on one class of applications but fails on another.

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