Positional email addresses

In addition to your University of Newcastle email address, there may be times when you need a positional email address such as:

  • a person's role (eg IT-Director@newcastle.edu.au)
  • an organisational unit (eg IT-Infrastructure@newcastle.edu.au)
  • a particular service (eg 17000@newcastle.edu.au)
  • a marketing address for a conference or project (eg ITAsia-2014@newcastle.edu.au, IT-in-schools@newcastle.edu.au)

You might also request a positional email address to:

  • ensure business continuity when positions are filled by new, or 'acting' staff,
  • enable more than one person to access email, eg a team responding to enquiries, or an administrative assistant accessing their supervisor's email, or
  • as a contact point not tied to any particular individual

To request a positional email address please click here. When completing this request please keep the naming standards  in mind (see below).

Using a positional email address

When you request a positional account you will be designated as the 'owner'. As the owner, you can manage additional user access by using security groups .
You can switch from your own UNify account to the positional account inbox and folders to view, send and receive emails.

Naming standards for positional email addresses

To ensure our positional accounts are meaningful, the following naming conventions will be applied:

  • maximum of 64 characters before @ and only use alphabetic, numeric and hyphen (-) characters
  • all addresses to end in @newcastle.edu.au
  • format to be Department-purpose (eg ITServices-Payments@newcastle.edu.au not Payments-ITServices@newcastle.edu.au)
    • if the purpose is University wide, purpose@newcastle.edu.au is acceptable.
    • if the address is a general address for a particular department, department@newcastle.edu.au is acceptable.
  • standard abbreviations to be used across the organisation for organisational units such as Faculties and Divisions
  • standard abbreviations to be used across the organisation for position titles (eg PVC not ProVC)