Managing Information in Business Systems


Business Systems Recordkeeping Assessment

Records and information are at the core of University Business, and are core assets.

Records and information help the university to achieve short and long term outcomes that are relevant and valuable.

Records and Information:
  • drive collaboration and communication
  • outline responsibilities
  • support decision-making
  • document rights and entitlements
  • make up the corporate memory of an organisation
  • provide stakeholders with transparency around and accountability for government operations.
To support the benefits identified above records and information need to be:
  • trustworthy and managed accountabilily
  • readily accessible, understandable and usable
  • valued as critical to business operations
  • governed by appropriate risk management approaches
  • maintained to meet business, government and community purposes.

The Business System Recordkeeping Assessment checklist is designed to help business areas assess whether their business information systems has the required attributes to comply with the NSW State Records ‘Standards on records management’. The checklist needs to be completed when considering implementing a new system at the University.

Records and Information Risk Assessment

If the system doesn’t  have recordkeeping capabilities a risk based approach must be undertaken to determine whether records and information need to be retained in the University’s Recordkeeping system,  Risk assessments are based on;

  • risks associated with the business function that is supported by the function or activity of the business area,
  • the value of the records that are created and managed in the system (high value or low value records),
  • the risk associated with records that are created and managed in the system.
Things to consider when assessing record/information risk will include;
  • breeches to privacy due to over-retaining records,
  • general security capabilities,
  • loss of information (accidental or deliberate),
  • unauthorised access,
  • business continuity in disasters,

For further information refer to the guide; Records and Information Risk Assessment

Migrating Records from Share Drives to SharePoint or TRIM9

Migrating/Moving your University records and information from a share drive to SharePoint or TRIM9, should be planned, documented and managed. These guides will help you plan and document your migration, and assist with identifying important items for consideration.

Migrating or Copying Source Records

1. Source records that have been migrated (GA48)

  • This Authority (GA48) is legislated under the State Records Act 1998 and covers migrated records (digital records)  that remain in source systems following the successful migration into a new system and, where the official record of the University will be held in the new system.
  • The authority covers the retention requirements for the original source system records and conditions that need to be met prior to destroying source system records.

2. Original or source records that have been copied (GA45)

  • This Authority is legislated under the State Records Act 1998 and covers copied records (non-digital records) that remain as a result of copying (digitising or scanning) record into a new system where the new system becomes the official record of the University.
  • The Authority covers the retention requirements and conditions under which the destruction of certain original or source records (non-digital) is permitted.

Decommissioning UON IT Systems/Applications

1. Records and Information Management Considerations

  • Decommissioning is a process where a business application is removed from use at the University and may or may not involve migration of information into a new system. Care must be taken when migrating source information into new systems and processes established to manage residual information that is not migrated but is covered under a State Records, see our 'Information Disposal' page for further information.

If you have any questions in relation to migrating or decommissioning systems/applications please do not hesitate to contact